Trying not to panic here...

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Fri May 5 17:08:09 BST 2006

El vie, 05-05-2006 a las 15:11 +0100, Tim Morley escribió:
> On 2 May 2006, at 19:06, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > We are restoring these missing translations from backup. "They will be
> > back in Rosetta by tomorrow morning.
> Unfortunately they're not.  :o(  The Esperanto team finished ooo- 
> writer weeks ago (currently showing 430 strings missing), and more  
> recently finished ooo-base (55 now missing), ooo-common (115  
> missing), ooo-commongui (337 missing), and ooo-other (185 missing).
> Please could you hunt through any other backups of your databases and  
> see if you can track down this work?


I understand that you're still concerned about lost work.

I checked again, and I'm completely sure that no data is lost.

I see that Esperanto is not fully translated right now. The explanation
is that there are new pot files since you did the translations. We are
preparing backport from dapper, and this needs the new

You can see this if you download the po files[1][2]. The missing
translations will appear as obsolete translations, because the English
strings were either changed or removed.

Rosetta will do a better job of dealing with changes to pot files in the
future, when we have worked on the rosetta-fuzzy-merge[2] spec.

> > Sorry for the inconvenience, we know you've been worried about losing
> > your work, and we understand that.
> Still worried here...

Please, contact me if you want to look into this further


> Tim

Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Valencia - Spain
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