Translation groups

Tim Morley t_morley at
Thu Mar 30 23:22:53 BST 2006

About translation groups:

> On Mar 18, 2006, at 12:02 AM, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
>> ...
>>  I wrote much of that code so I'll take the bullets if there are  
>> bugs.
>> We really need better Launchpad documentation so folks know how to
>> take advantage of this sort of feature!
> An even better idea would be for it to be understandable just by
> visiting the page. :-) Currently Launchpad has a page about  
> translation
> groups <>, but the page doesn't
> explain what they are, it doesn't say how to use them, and it isn't
> linked to from any other page on Launchpad.

I don't want to moan, particularly at people who have already helped  
our translation team plenty and all for free -- thanks for the  
service, Rosetta and Launchpad people  :o) -- but I sent a message to  
rosetta at, following the instructions at https://, asking for a language team to be created.  
As yet, I'm still waiting for a reply.

Could I have a heads-up from someone to let me know what's happening  
with the creation of the Esperanto translation team, please? Thanks  
in advance.

In the 12 days since sending the message (see below), our group have  
translated something like 5000 strings of in Rosetta.  
It'd be really nice to be able to have the proper framework in place  
around this work, particularly so that we can restrict write access  
to known-good translators and proof-readers.

Thanks again for the help so far, and thanks in advance for the next  
bit.  :o)



> From: 	  t_morley at
> Subject: 	Request to create Esperanto team
> Date: 	18 March 2006 13:54:42 GMT
> To: 	  rosetta at
> Hi there.
> I'm writing to request that you create an Esperanto translation  
> team in Rosetta.
> Language: Esperanto
> ISO639 code: eo
> [Three-letter code if required: epo]
> My LaunchPad ID, I think, is just my email address:  
> t_morley at
> For info, I am leading the translation of in  
> Esperanto (see, and a few  
> days ago I succeeded in uploading some of our work so far into the  
> ooo-writer template. We're beavering away at it now, but it'd be  
> good to be able to have some sort of permission structure in place,  
> hence the request for a language team.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards,
> Tim Morley

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