What happened with dapper vlc?

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Wed Mar 22 23:21:53 GMT 2006

Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> What happened with the vlc template of dapper? I can't find it
> anymore[1], however, it contained lots of newly translated strings.
> At the beginning of February, we (Ubuntu Hungarian translation team)
> organized a translation weekend, when
> we translated it up to 70%, from less than 10% - and this all seems to
> be gone!
I'm really, really sorry. We accidentally imported chunks of universe
into Rosetta, but because we don't have the languagepack infrastructure
for universe, we decided to delete all of those imports. We did not
realise that you guys had gone to such lengths already, and we deleted
your data.
> Will we get back our translations, or they are lost?

I feel sick to think of it but we did delete everything. Did anybody
export it to a PO file? Can I make it up to you with a shipment of
Breezy or Dapper CD's? If there's anything we can do to make it up (only
Hungarian I know is "Kursenem, kiskireiline" which is unlikely to help
with VLC)?

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