Tigrinya plural forms

yonas abraham myazeb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 22:22:03 BST 2006

I was asked to to provide to this mailing list  to plural form for tigrinya.
so here it is

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1\n"

 Rosetta can't handle the plural items in this file, because it doesn't yet
know how plural forms work for Tigrinya.

To fix this, please e-mail the Rosetta users mailing
list<rosetta-users at lists.ubuntu.com>with this information, preferably
in the format described in the Rosetta
FAQ <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaFAQ>.

This only needs to be done once per language. Thanks for helping Rosetta.
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