Does Rosetta support uploading translations of products to upstream?

Jordi Mallach jordi at
Thu Feb 23 16:57:04 GMT 2006

Greetings Atie,

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 01:39:57PM -0600, atie wrote:
> I have recently translated some products registered in Rosetta, I mean "not 
> the packages in Ubuntu versions". And, the translations are new for Korean 
> even the product projects have no ko_KR translations.
> In this case, does Rosetta support uploading them to the product projects 
> automatically or with predefined rules between Rosetta and projects?
> Or do I need to individually download translations and send them to the 
> projects?

I'm not sure if understand you correctly. If there's an upstream product
in rosetta that is translatable, there's a good chance that the project
maintainer will periodically fetch all the files from rosetta to include
them in his releases.

If you know this is not the case, though, your way to be safe is to
download and send them by hand, yes.

The plan for the future is to have Rosetta exporting bzr branches with
updated translations, which a product upstream can very easily merge
into their tree.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi at     jordi at
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