URL's for SchoolTool and SchoolBell translation templates

Jordi Mallach jordi at canonical.com
Sat Sep 24 10:54:43 CDT 2005

Hey Brian,

On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 11:02:20PM +0200, Brian Sutherland wrote:
> I have started automated weekly builds of the SchoolTool and SchoolBell
> so that translation templates in rosetta can be kept current.
> Could someone update rosetta to import the templates automatically from:
> SchoolTool
> ----------
> Rosetta Template: https://launchpad.net/products/schooltool/+series/schooltool-dev/+pots/schooltool
> POT URL:  ftp://ftp.schooltool.org/pub/schooltool/translation-templates/schooltool/schooltool-dev/schooltool/template.pot

I'm afraid Rosetta can't, yet, update templates automatically, it's
still a by-hand process, but there's nothing blocking module owners to
do it on their own, without having to rely on a Launchpad admin to do it
for them.

Of course, when updating templates, don't forget to update any po file
that has been updated outside of Rosetta, or those possible extra
strings would be lost and would be re-translated via web.

The best way of doing this is to use the tar.gz method. Maybe a simple curl
script could help you do this automatically on your end, but I haven't
tried that too much.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer     http://www.debian.org/
jordi at sindominio.net     jordi at debian.org     http://www.sindominio.net/
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