Rosetta and language pack updates

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Sep 15 14:14:54 CDT 2005


Mark Shuttleworth [2005-09-15 19:51 +0100]:
> Erdal Ronahi wrote:
> > The question was aimed at which packages are updated, the ones in main
> > or also those in universe? As an example, poEdit is in universe and
> > Rosetta, but not in main. If we translate it in Rosetta, will the
> > translation be updated subsequently for Breezy users?
> Damn, that's a good question, and I don't know the answer. I *suspect*
> that we designed LangPacks for main only

Well, the design of langpack-o-matic is not limited to main, of
course, but right now it is configured to ignore universe
translations, since we ship them with the debs.

>, but there's no reason why the machinery wouldn't pick up on
>translations for universe packages. So maybe the updates could cover
>universe? Pitti?

Sure, if we want to do that, that's absolutely no problem technically.

The only problem that arises from this is that update packs would
certainly get quite big, so that users had to download a lot of
reduntant stuff that actually did not change (OTOH, langpack updates
are probably not something for modem users anyway).

The only thing we should not do, however, is to put Rosetta strings
for universe into the base packages, since they would make the
packages explode and not fit on the CDs any more.


Martin Pitt    
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer
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