Jordi Mallach jordi at
Fri Oct 21 13:53:13 CDT 2005

Hello Axel,

On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 10:43:32AM +0200, axel wrote:
> I've try Rosetta to translate and I would like request somes features.

The best place to request new features for rosetta is to use the
dedicated wiki page:

> - English is not my best language (as you can see :-) ..) and It would 
> be great to see the translation for the other language we understand (if 
> I translate from english to esperanto, the french and german translation 
> can help me)

This was an existing feature in Rosetta some months ago, but right now
it's not in the user interface. Carlos, can you tell us what the plan
for this is?

> - It would be great to see some suggestion like the dictionnary of 
> kbabel or poedit from the other package ("Quit", "File","Edit"... are 
> always the same word to translate...)

Aren't you seeing them? You should see suggestions from the big
translation memory Rosetta is building with everyone's contributions.

> - It would be great to search a sentence in the package

This is probably the #1 request of everyone, and by experience the most
useful. Hopefully it'll be added soon.

> And after the suggestion, I've got a question : when (how many often) 
> the Rosetta is synchronised with the file .po ?
> how many long should I wait to see my translation in the current package.

If you upload a file, you should see the results within minutes. If
that doesn't happen, either you've hit a bug or there's a big Ubuntu
import going on behind the stage which makes the update queue grow
enormously. When that happens, it might take up to a few days to see the
update pop up in rosetta.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi at     jordi at
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