Jordi Mallach jordi at
Wed Oct 12 18:12:59 CDT 2005

On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 01:02:13PM +0200, Erdal Ronahi wrote:
> Well, in the very latest langpacks the problem still exists. The menu
> entries from the APPLICATION menu on the left (internet, office,
> accessories, system tools etc.) are all in gnome-menus and translated in
> our language (Kurdish) in Rosetta, but although there is a
> "" installed with the latest langpack, not one of the
> entries appears in a translated form.
> I think this question appeared several times on the mailinglist, so
> maybe this is a problem that does not concern all the languages. In
> German for instance the entries are translated.
> Carlos once said to this:
>  "The other problem with menus is that the language packs are not ready to
>  handle them, so the .po file should be added to the .deb source to get 
> it."
> What does that mean? How is a .po file added to the .deb source? Is it
> necessary to upload gnome-menus into the GNOME CVS? Or do you mean the 
> ubuntu-specific .deb? If so, could someone add ku.po?

The first incarnation of language packs, that are being shipped with
Breezy, are only able to handle .mo files.

Some translations for GNOME do not reside on the compiled .mo file;
instead, the relevant strings are extracted from the po file at package
build time and all the strings for all the available languages _at build
time_ are merged into one single file.

In the gnome-menus examples, the translations for your menu sections are
taken from the po files and then merged into .directory files.

Have a look at /usr/share/desktop-directories/ for
an example.

As the Kurdish po file wasn't present in GNOME CVS, the package has been
built without your translation, and language packs can't help (for now)
in this case.

The best approach is, of course, to start an official Kurdish team for
GNOME at the GNOME Translation Project.

If you export your Rosetta work on Kurdish GNOME and get it included in
CVS, the next version of Ubuntu, and many other distributions, will have
full Kurdish coverage.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi at     jordi at
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