Jordi Mallach jordi at
Mon Nov 21 06:38:26 CST 2005

On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 04:06:22PM +0000, Peter George wrote:
> We have recently registered MailManager on Rosetta.
> Please find attached a .pot file. I would be grateful if you could  
> upload it to the system.

I have uploaded your template, along with the 4 active translations I
found in your CVS.

> Can you tell me, what happens if and when the .pot file changes? I'm  
> guessing I send you the latest .pot file and you put it into the  
> system, and the percentage translated values for each translation  
> automagically reset?

No, admin intervention is normally necessary only when we do the first
import. Now you'll be able to do it yourself from the template page,
using the "Upload" link on the right hand column. Use this to upload a
tar.gz with all the files you need to upload (mailmanager.pot, de.po,
fr.po, etc).

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi at     jordi at
GnuPG public key information available at
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