suggestions/wishlist - rosetta db question

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Tue May 17 05:54:41 CDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-05-07 at 11:59 +0200, Paolo Brocco wrote:
> Hi,


> 1) I've discovered this nice Wiki page: 
> I added my suggestions as well. I would like to file all of these 
> also in Malone, but as already said in my last e-mail I get "A system 
> error occurred." when I submit a new bug/suggestion in 
> If this bug has already been corrected and will be implemented on 
> Tuesday, as written by Matthew Thomas, I'm really looking forward for 
> Tuesday ;-)

It should be working now, please tell us if it's still giving problems
to you...


> ..anyway, I really like the Rosetta idea and I'm looking forward when it 
> will be more user friendly, as now it's really a PITA to use it.
> When the wishlist suggestions will be implemented I think it'll become 
> really a user friendly platform.

We hope it will became more and more user friendly over time. At this
moment many people has been able to translate when they were scared with
the usual desktop solutions, so I think Rosetta is already a good
addition :-) (of course, we need to improve it and will continue
improving it so all people is able to use it without problems.)

> So, to the developers working on Rosetta, a BIG thank you and keep up 
> the good work: this is one of the most important projects that I've seen.

Thank you very much.

> Sincerely,
> Paolo


Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu Hoary (PowerPC)  =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Valencia - Spain
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