info please

Reimar Heider reimar.heider at
Thu Mar 10 05:45:54 CST 2005

Hi Marco

>I think I'm missing something.
>I started translating Abiword in Italian. Then stopped remainding me
>that I saw abiword almost translated completly.
>But in rosetta all the messages seems untraslated.
>What's up? Are rosetta translations completly indipendent from the
>original applications source?
Yes. In Rosetta the languages are not kept seperately. If someone 
uploads a POT template (as I did for Abiword to translate in into 
Kurdish) all languages are shown as "0 translated" unless someone else 
uploads the PO file for the respective language. The people at AbiSource 
are very unhappy about that. They do not want to shoulder the tast of 
coordinating everything that is done anywhere.

I earlier proposed a warning message, stating that one should have a 
look at the mother project to check whether a translated version of the 
software exists. Unfortunately this has not been implemented yet.


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