Fwd: [schooltool] Rosetta

Tom Hoffman tom.hoffman at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 10:23:43 CST 2005

Hi guys,

Can you give us a little help here?

Tom Hoffman
SchoolTool Project Manager

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicolas Pettiaux (AEL) <nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 09:41:43 +0100
Subject: Re: [schooltool] Rosetta
To: Tom Hoffman <tom.hoffman at gmail.com>, Schooltool List
<schooltool at schooltool.org>
Cc: schooltool-bounces at schooltool.org

On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 20:37:19 -0500, Tom Hoffman wrote
> I've set up a page for SchoolBell on Rosetta, which is one of
> the open source development tools that Canonical has been
> working on. Specifically, it is a web application for managing
> translations --
>  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RosettaReleaseAnnouncement .
> Our page is here:
> https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/rosetta/products/schoolbell You'll
> need to create an account for yourself on the main Ubuntu site
> to make contributions.  You can use Rosetta's web forms to translate
> strings or upload PO files you've created with another
> application (I think.  This is all pretty new to me).
> Regardless, we can use Rosetta as the central repository for translastions.

Good idea.

I have logged in ROsetta and tried to export the po file from


but I got

 A system error occurred.

as only answer.

Please help me export the file as I would like to use kbabel if possible
to work on the translation, instead of the online tool.

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