Rosetta legal questions

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Dec 5 21:36:14 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 00:32 +0100, Jordi Mallach wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 06:21:50PM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> > I think that's a great idea.  When do you think the GNU team can be set
> > up?
> I was setup yesterday, and is now ready to be filled with the official
> mailman translators.
> Can you give me a list of launchpad users which will translate mailman
> through Rosetta?

I don't have that list.  I think the proper thing to do is to announce
this on the mailman-i18n mailing list, update the appropriate Mailman
documentation, and then encourage people to sign up to Rosetta and
submit the proper paperwork.  There are a few people who have already
done the proper submission, but those people would only be able to
submit Mailman documentation.  I think we should ask that they do a
blanket disclaimer so that they can join the more general GNU
translation group.

> > I'm not sure when we'll be able to get around to converting the
> > templates -- we'll have to discuss that on the Mailman lists.  But I
> > think as soon as the GNU team infrastructure is set up, we could import
> > the existing po files and use Rosetta for them.  We'll deal with the
> > oddball templates separately until we figure out the best way to
> > integrate them into the po files.
> That's good. I just want to help you gather some energy to get it
> investigated :)

Sounds good!  More discussion of that should go to
mailman-developers at and/or mailman-i18n at

> If you can provide me a tar with the pot and po files, I'll do the
> initial upload for you.

Let me announce this on the mailman-i18n list and then I'll put together
a tarball for you and send it to you.

> I've changed the owner of the product to you. You should now be able to
> do the tweaks you think are necessary. Please create the development
> branches (series) so we can attach po templates to them.

Okay, let me look into doing that.  I'll contact you off-list if I have
any problems.

Cheers, and thanks!

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