Abiword: diffenrent languages

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at canonical.com
Mon Apr 18 09:20:11 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 10:58 +0100, Reimar Heider wrote:
> Hi!


> Though noone replied to my earlier posting to this list, I managed to 
> start translating of Abiword into Kuridsh with Rosetta. Now there is a 
> problem. Several other people have started translating, namely in Hebrew 
> and Swedish. But there are advanced or almost complete translations of 
> Abiword in these languages available. It would be very useful to provide 
> a warning message stating that one should check whether a translation is 
> already available, or else tranlating might be a useless effort.

Well, when a .pot file is imported into Rosetta, also all available .po
files should also be imported at the same time.

I'm going to fix that for Abiword today.


> Greetings,
> Reimar

Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu Hoary (PowerPC)  => http://www.ubuntulinux.org
mailto:carlos.perello at canonical.com
Valencia - Spain
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