mass update of po files in Rosetta

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Tue Apr 12 09:15:27 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 15:27 +0100, Valient Gough wrote:
> I recently released a new version of my software, so I downloaded the PO 
> files from Rosetta (using a perl script which I posted once before) and 
> merged them with my local copies and fixed up the usual formatting 
> errors, etc.

We are working on a tarball export feature, but it's a bit slow so we
are optimising. Will announce it as soon as it's ready.
> What is the procedure for updating Rosetta with the current versions 
> from my software?  Have you guys created a way to bulk upload all the 
> .po files, or do I need to upload one at a time (or script it on the 
> client side)?

Yeah, we also have some code to do it, but need some extra work before
being able to use it in production.

> Since I'll be updating both the main template and each language's .po 
> file, is there a certain order I should upload them in? 

It's better if you import first the .pot file and then the .po file.

> Also, in the past when I've uploaded .po files, the "Last Contributor" 
> changes to my name.  I've even tried setting the Last-Translator field 
> in the .po file to correspond to the current last contributor, but it 
> seems it still gets set to my name after uploading the .po.  Any 
> suggestions?

No way to change it atm. New translations will appear as owned by that
person, but the other ones belong to you and that's not changed with any
other upload.


> regards,
> Valient

Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu Hoary (PowerPC)  =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Valencia - Spain
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