Suggestion: language dictionary

Lalo Martins lalo at
Thu Sep 30 08:48:17 CDT 2004

On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 01:50:04PM +0200, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> - Where Rosetta itself *can* help is provide a dictionary facility where 
> translators of one language can agree on their project-specific conventions. In 
> Zope 3 we have found that even only two translators working on one language can 
> create enough inconsistency. That is why we have created wiki pages with Zope-
> specific terms and their translations (e.g. 
> It would be a definite plus for collaboration among Rosetta users if one could 
> manage such dictionaries within the system (and maybe even look up terms while 
> translating). Note that I'm not suggesting to hook Rosetta up to some actual 
> English-XYZ dictionary. These technical dictionaries would be filled by the 
> translators once they agree upon how certain technical terms occurring in the 
> software need to be translated.

Sounds like a great idea.  Should these dictionaries be tied to
Projects?  Or Products?  (Look at Rosetta if you don't know what
these mean in the Rosetta context - project is eg. Gnome,
product is eg. gnome-terminal)

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