[ubuntu/raring-security] nova 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1.1 (Accepted)

Jamie Strandboge jamie at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 23 19:23:31 UTC 2013

nova (1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1.1) raring-security; urgency=low

  * SECURITY UPDATE: enforce flavor access during instance boot
    - debian/patches/CVE-2013-4278.patch: the last update introduced a
      security flaw when fixing CVE-2013-2256 in that the context was not
      passed when retrieving flavor details, thus bypassing all flavor
      access control checks (LP: #1212179)
    - CVE-2013-4278

nova (1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (89c7ee4) (LP: #1210447):
    - [8e6edd2] Bump stable/grizzly next version to 2013.1.3
    - [61fc529] attach quantum security group to an existing vm failed
      LP: 1189059
    - [60774bd] nova-compute fails to start if quantum is down LP: 1186357
    - [8e6d4b6] asymmetric routes in nova network with external gateway and
      routing_source_ip LP: 1182143
    - [8849413] Failed VM's not set to error state on exception LP: 1182056
    - [ef10eee] Double healing of info_cache with cells LP: 1180304
    - [7422d83] Can't log into  VM after powervm is resized LP: 1169848
    - [49ab0e8] stack trace when instance_actions extension can not find
      instance in GET LP: 1182867
    - [e71247c] nova service-list returns illegal result with non db service
      heartbeat LP: 1168861
    - [3f60606] Volume IO usage gets reset to 0 after a reboot / crash
      LP: 1169097
    - [19c443b] unused method  list_interfaces in vmware driver can be removed
      LP: 1187251
    - [a8dab9f] No cleanup done when file transfer fails with powervm driver
      LP: 1173017
    - [fc98015] nova consoleauth depends on Conductor Service LP: 1186123
    - [1066418] VMware drivers are no longer passing quantum port-id to
      vCenter LP: 1183452
    - [b92075c] nova net-list fails on empty list with Quantum backend
      LP: 1189976
    - [3ba31f2] Create VM with no networks with Quantum Gives SecurityGroups
      Exception LP: 1191044
    - [89150b2] Periodic ValueErrors when using qpid LP: 1185465
    - [0e0d615] Libvirt pre-Grizzly instances cannot be block migrated
      LP: 1185588
    - [27960ef] ZMQ ipc socket file is created using un-sanitized network
      input LP: 1122763
    - [265b868] cannot block migrate old style instances libvirt complains
      LP: 1175286
    - [008a68a] code logical error exists in vmwareapi vif.py  LP: 1177635
    - [378c045] Instance IP addresses are re-used even when previous instance
      could not be powered off LP: 1180178
    - [48ddffe] Reboot of compute node breaks VMs with volumes LP: 1188326
    - [f427f01] Missing dashes from console-log LP: 1194032
    - [78ebf1a] network-create returns an internal error when network
      conflicts LP: 1158075
    - [767c850] Instance nics are reorder after reboot LP: 1187092
    - [0b45996] instance directory naming update to use uuid  LP: 1186944
    - [06cfad5] Disassociate failed dhcp fixed ip in deallocate_for_instance()
      method LP: 1180766
    - [cbcdfc5] Allow confirm_resize action on an instance in 'deleting'
      status LP: 1189391
    - [2563c44] aggregate_get_by_host returns aggregates from other hosts
      LP: 1201277
    - [109f3a9] nova libvirt driver requires iscsi initiator name regardless
      of using it in volume drivers LP: 1007084
    - [7f1c336] Host is always set to None in get_instance_nw_info(...)
      LP: 1194178
    - [1cf30a3] nova boot with colume should fail if the volume is already
      attached to another instance LP: 1166770
    - [9cb9361] Aggregate metadata filtering by key returns unrelated metadata
      LP: 1201283
    - [a61872b] Need clean up  ftp transfer faiure  in powervm driver
      LP: 1188884
    - [91bcd15] Race can cause soft deleted instance to be erased by mistake
      LP: 1186243
    - [c57fded] Nova fails to create a security group rule if ::0/0 is used as
      cidr LP: 1199943
    - [c698dd3] VMwareESXDriver and VMwareVCDriver report incorrect stat
      LP: 1180779
    - [e572faf] novnc fails when amqp_rpc_single_reply_queue=True LP: 1193031
    - [34ddd27] eventlet.monkey_patch() for spice and vnc proxy
    - [864837f] hypervisor_hostname not updated on evacuate LP: 1198284
    - [756a772] libvirt migrate/resize on shared storage can cause data loss
      LP: 1177247
    - [889b215] nova live-migration of volume-backed VM fails because of image
      is None LP: 1199811
    - [60712a4] VNC console does not work with VCDriver LP: 1178369
    - [e0aa0f5] metadata service throws error 500 when compute_driver is not
      set LP: 1184641
    - [340d337] Instance IP addresses are re-used even when previous instance
      could not be powered off LP: 1180178
    - [8247dc8] Resource limit circumvention in Nova private flavors
      (CVE-2013-2256) LP: 1194093
    - [bd7e467] Denial of Service in Nova network source security groups
      (CVE-2013-4185) LP: 1184041
    - [c3fddb7] Resize a VM when a volume is attached fails LP: 1190364
    - [01edbaa] Hyper-V versions before 2012 are not properly recognized
      LP: 1203059
    - [b18818a] driver libvirt doesn't honor vif quota LP: 1185030
    - [798984d] config drive not visible to windows LP: 1155842
    - [d18ceb1] nova live-migration failed due to exception.MigrationError
      LP: 1171526
    - [1934dbc] vmware Hyper for nova vnc console url parameters error
      LP: 1172177
    - [89c7ee4] [OSSA 2013-023] Potential unsafe XML usage (CVE-2013-4179,
      CVE-2013-4202) LP: 1190229
  * debian/rules: Clean new setuptools-git cruft.
  * debian/control: Update Vcs fields.

nova (1:2013.1.2-0ubuntu1) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Dropped patches, applied upstream:
    - debian/patches/CVE-2013-2096.patch: [a4fc0c8]
  * Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (8c136a8e) (LP: #1188788):
    - [8c136a8] instance_type data cannot be extracted from sys_meta after
      instance deleted LP: 1185190
    - [6556344] Some nova.tests.integrated.test_api_samples.Hypervisors* tests
      fail when run as single test LP: 1177802
    - [bc35dba] Make nova.virt.fake.FakeDriver useable in integration testing
    - [ab51ac6] Cannot resize instance if base image is not available
      LP: 1160773
    - [4933c15] FC attach code doesn't discover multipath device LP: 1180497
    - [605ea6f] Failure to snapshot backend LP: 1166160
    - [ec335d0] bug in get_instance_security_groups() if security group has no
      name LP: 1182738
    - [fdb33fb] Traceback from cinderclient in nova-api log for BadRequest
      errors LP: 1098048
    - [de50a5a] vmwareapi: Add supported_instances to host state
    - [129d118] ERROR: test_resize_server_revert BuildErrorException LP: 1161529
    - [e05cf67] EC2 API throws stacktrace if adding security group rule that
      already exists LP: 1180973
    - [158f003] The hypervisor_hostname is not updated after live migration
      LP: 1173376
    - [b4d8cfe] variable referenced before assignment in vmwareapi code
      LP: 1177689
    - [40f3eed] Some Compute API methods unnecessarily alter the vm_state.
      LP: 1158509
    - [d4bed18] Cannot resize a volume backed instance booted without an image
      LP: 1182114
    - [bba57e9] nova interface-attach fails with quantum LP: 1171636
    - [e0a8bdd] InstanceMetadata content can be None LP: 1163598
    - [5094e83] nova coverage create lots empty folders even with coverage
      extension disabled LP: 1169005
    - [76eb8f7] ZooKeeper servicegroup driver is trying to import module by
      wrong name LP: 1177776
    - [b8c4346] Inconsistent connectivity between instances with floating IPs
      LP: 1178745
    - [726ae59] race condition between delete instance(with floating ip
      associated) and delete floating ip LP: 1172599
    - [498ce52] Don't swallow missing SR error LP: 1175357
    - [be0a14a] Nic Ordering not guaranteed with nova-network API LP: 1170725
    - [3c84539] Detach volume fails when using multipath iscsi LP: 1178893
    - [fc5c6ec] Quantum Security Group driver doesn't accept none value for
      from_port & to _port LP: 1176027
    - [784b6e4] ERROR in log when rebooting too soon after a reboot LP: 1157237
    - [3b52002] Resize revert operations fail with stack traces LP: 1180111
    - [25f2025] Live migration fails when the instance booted from volume has no
      image. LP: 1170596
    - [1ffab28] internal service AZ not hidden for disabled zones LP: 1167956
    - [c532f7a] Key error thrown when create lpar instance failed LP: 1173303
    - [a35e0f4] soft delete values in InstanceSystemMetadata on instance delete
      LP: 1153827
    - [1a682a5] Restarting compute service mistakenly reboots live instance
      LP: 1176897
    - [a4fc0c8] [OSSA 2013-012] Unchecked qcow2 root disk sizes LP: 1177830
    - [4226aa9] Nova evacuate failed when the VM is in shutoff status
      LP: 1176773
    - [687cd67] floating ip assignment can fail silently LP: 1178658
    - [5358ee9] when using multi_host and update_dns_entries dnsmasq is missing
      addn-hosts arg LP: 1170529
    - [325ab8f] wrong instance bdm response in ec2 api LP: 1165973

nova (1:2013.1.1-0ubuntu2) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Rebase on latest security updates.
  * SECURITY UPDATE: verify virtual size of QCOW2 images
    - CVE-2013-2096.patch: update nova/virt/libvirt/imagebackend.py to
      check QCOW2 image size during root disk creation
    - CVE-2013-2096

nova (1:2013.1.1-0ubuntu1) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (be94dd25) (LP: #1179626):
    - [e49e38c] ArchiveTestCase.test_archive_deleted_rows_fk_constraint fails on
      RHEL6 LP: 1158828
    - [7bf3e8d] Insecure directory creation for signing LP: 1174608
    - [55df546] VMware Hyper snapshot image missing some properties LP: 1174199
    - [447e4a3] _update_usage_from_migrations doesn't grab instance for
      migration LP: 1163622
    - [79ad6cb] baremetal nodes are garbage collected incorrectly LP: 1174952
    - [2e55ecc] volume attach fails without systool installed LP: 1172486
    - [5576985] Nova API memcached key encoding error LP: 1174487
    - [df5d13c] nova-manage out of memory error creating many floating IPs
      LP: 1163394
    - [512d495] import and install gettext in vm_vdi_cleaner.py
    - [141107f] nova-manage uses nova.db.fixed_ip_get_all_by_instance_host,
      which no longer exists LP: 1163660
    - [a43c11e] Wrong proxy port in nova.conf for Spice LP: 1172957
    - [a313b12] image creation causes stacktrace LP: 1169560
    - [7771985] Kernel boot output missing from VNC/Spice consoles with AMI
      images LP: 1164021
    - [c185195] EC2 CreateVolumes/DescribeVolumes strange status  LP: 1074901
    - [1168873] console auth does not work with memcache, unicode error (again)
      LP: 1164784
    - [c7a0d74] Passing duplicate network ids to Quantum throws wrong exception
      LP: 1165088
    - [a1fe8e2] _poll_rescued_instances() makes an invalid database query
      LP: 1167619
    - [6c01eee] ec2 api does not work for aws-java-sdk LP: 1156445
    - [1ecc009] Caching metadata fails when using memcached LP: 1160900
    - [9909095] Unnecessary db call in scheduler driver live-migration code
      LP: 1167811
    - [a3cc7bc] libvirt livemigration warning logger refernces a not defined
      local variable LP: 1164072
    - [2574421] set timeout for paramiko ssh connection
    - [7e527ca] Compute manager fails to cleanup compute_nodes not reported by
      driver LP: 1161193
    - [52663f7] Instance joins with system_metadata are critically slow
      LP: 1164737
    - [e653938] nova list quantum security group cache  LP: 1161518
    - [f7bcd95] get_instance_security_groups() get_admin_context() causes lots
      of keystone chatter LP: 1161081
    - [232f874] Nova API Memcached Encoding Error LP: 1158958
    - [6d16278] Wrong disk's over committed size computing caused
      disk_available_least resource counting increasing LP: 1167695
    - [02da2d5] PolicyNotAuthorized not returned for confirmResize,
      revertResize, reboot LP: 1170453
    - [05e1c47] In-progress migrations may not have stashed instance types
      LP: 1164110
    - [e48e194] Update latest oslo.setup.
    - [9db4729] Argument order inconsistancy in
      nova.network.quantumv2.api.get_instance_nw_info() LP: 1159042
    - [c4cd98c] remove unecessary function argument  in vmwareapi LP: 1171376
    - [71e39dc] Cannot boot Nova as quantum throws 404 when Floating IP
      extension unavailable LP: 1163670
    - [0f4c3f9] sql_connection not marked secret LP: 1160680
    - [c118890] _error_out_instance_on_exception not playing well with eventlet
      LP: 1163552
    - [308e721] Fix a typo in attach_interface error path
    - [44d42e2] libvirt: use_cow_images=false and force_raw_images=false broken
      LP: 1163009
    - [99b77cc] migrate/resize failed in same host with powervm driver
      LP: 1161226
    - [994ed95] Live-migration leaves instance in MIGRATING state if scheduler
      fails to find a host LP: 1166771
    - [c244d66] Instances deleted during migration cause exception in
      _destroy_evacuated_instances LP: 1155152
    - [54fd249] nova net-list not return network uuid but id instead LP: 1162409
    - [b2ec668] legacy_net_info guard incompatible with new-style NetworkInfo
      LP: 1164152
    - [8859914] Security groups may be unavailable
    - [3861f8c] Correctly handle an empty dnsmasq --domain LP: 1161506
    - [da1763b] Don't join metadata twice in instance_get_all()
    - [bcd02dd] Instance joins with system_metadata are critically slow
      LP: 1164737
    - [e93ea66] Optimize resource tracker queries for instances
    - [fd66545] Set defaultbranch in .gitreview to stable/grizzly

Date: 2013-10-21 23:16:13.677473+00:00
Changed-By: Jamie Strandboge <jamie at ubuntu.com>
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