[ubuntu/raring-proposed] njam 1.25-7fakesync1 (Accepted)

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 14 11:20:48 UTC 2013

njam (1.25-7fakesync1) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Fake sync due to mismatching orig tarball.

njam (1.25-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Release to unstable

  [ Daniel Echeverry ]
  * debian/control
    + New Maintainer. Closes: #694607
    + Add Markus Koschany as Uploader
    + Remove automake and autotools from Build-Depends
    + Add autotools-dev in Build-Depends
  * debian/rules
    + Add --parallel and --with autotools-dev to dh
  * debian/copyright
    + Add src/SDL_main.c license
  * Rename njam.6 instead of njam.1
  * debian/njam.6
    + Remove AUTHORS section
    + Update short description
    + Remove -d option
  * debian/njam.desktop
    + Update icon name
  * debian/njam.menu
    + Add longtitle field
    + Change section

  [ Markus Koschany ]
  * debian/njam.6:
    - Clean up the manpage and remove unnecessary docbook code.
  * debian/control:
    - Add Git Vcs-fields. Njam will be maintained at collab-maint from now on.
  * debian/njam.desktop:
    - Add German comment to desktop file.
  * debian/patches:
    - Add dep3 headers, rename the patch extensions from .diff to .patch.
  * Register njam with doc-base.
  * Install documentation in Njam-data
  * Install the icon to /usr/share/pixmaps instead of
    /usr/share/games/njam/pixmaps. Hence we can drop njam.links.
  * Drop njam.preinst script. Don't move around the hiscore file anymore.
    Initialize the file once in njam.postinst if it does not already exist.
    Upgrading from pre-Squeeze versions is no longer supported. Thanks
    Andreas Beckmann for the report. (Closes: #689119)
  * Split the package in njam and njam-data and depend on the latter.

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:14:28 +0000
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:14:28 +0000
Source: njam
Binary: njam njam-data
Architecture: source
Version: 1.25-7fakesync1
Distribution: raring-proposed
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
 njam       - pacman-like game with multiplayer support
 njam-data  - pacman-like game with multiplayer support -- data files
Closes: 689119 694607
 njam (1.25-7fakesync1) raring-proposed; urgency=low
   * Fake sync due to mismatching orig tarball.
 njam (1.25-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * Release to unstable
   [ Daniel Echeverry ]
   * debian/control
     + New Maintainer. Closes: #694607
     + Add Markus Koschany as Uploader
     + Remove automake and autotools from Build-Depends
     + Add autotools-dev in Build-Depends
   * debian/rules
     + Add --parallel and --with autotools-dev to dh
   * debian/copyright
     + Add src/SDL_main.c license
   * Rename njam.6 instead of njam.1
   * debian/njam.6
     + Remove AUTHORS section
     + Update short description
     + Remove -d option
   * debian/njam.desktop
     + Update icon name
   * debian/njam.menu
     + Add longtitle field
     + Change section
   [ Markus Koschany ]
   * debian/njam.6:
     - Clean up the manpage and remove unnecessary docbook code.
   * debian/control:
     - Add Git Vcs-fields. Njam will be maintained at collab-maint from now on.
   * debian/njam.desktop:
     - Add German comment to desktop file.
   * debian/patches:
     - Add dep3 headers, rename the patch extensions from .diff to .patch.
   * Register njam with doc-base.
   * Install documentation in Njam-data
   * Install the icon to /usr/share/pixmaps instead of
     /usr/share/games/njam/pixmaps. Hence we can drop njam.links.
   * Drop njam.preinst script. Don't move around the hiscore file anymore.
     Initialize the file once in njam.postinst if it does not already exist.
     Upgrading from pre-Squeeze versions is no longer supported. Thanks
     Andreas Beckmann for the report. (Closes: #689119)
   * Split the package in njam and njam-data and depend on the latter.
 c40c9bf6733312c012baa35767a60f2bd08bd0bf 2151 njam_1.25-7fakesync1.dsc
 5904279092f10293b3044b0e9dbba315c7c74682 7466 njam_1.25-7fakesync1.debian.tar.gz
 45c32d8b222a593a0f5b0fe09ed54c8461848d12fbb98b6a49363a08c0ae6183 2151 njam_1.25-7fakesync1.dsc
 a90d62c5e54712c899755f70434c65d9fc8387da8df1ad54e31e5b3dbae0135c 7466 njam_1.25-7fakesync1.debian.tar.gz
 5c18f5f0c88bbc98f43926b508b00da0 2151 games optional njam_1.25-7fakesync1.dsc
 d3c64bcc5bc29c5f26540bb83ce0b470 7466 games optional njam_1.25-7fakesync1.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Daniel Echeverry <epsilon77 at gmail.com>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org> -- Debian developer


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