[ubuntu/raring-proposed] octave-signal 1.2.0-1 (Accepted)

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 1 22:37:13 UTC 2013

octave-signal (1.2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Rafael Laboissiere ]
  * Imported Upstream version 1.2.0.
    Test of function pei_tseng_notch is fixed. (Closes: #664694)
  * debian/copyright: Reflect upstream changes
  * debian/patches/autoload-yes.patch: Refresh for new upstream version
  * Add Lintian overrides for false positives on hardening flags
  * debian/rules: Fix the permission of some installed *.m files
  * debian/control:
    - Drop build-dependency on octave-image
    - Build-Depends on octave-general

  [ Sébastien Villemot ]
  * Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.4, no changes needed

Date: 2012-09-23 16:26:28.548274+00:00
Signed-By: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
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