[ubuntu/quantal] nova 2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Chuck Short zulcss at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 20 12:50:21 UTC 2012

nova (2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low

  [ Adam Gandelman ]
  * Ensure /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/ is only writable by root, ensure
    those permissions on /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf as well as
    all individual filter configurations.

  [ Chuck Short ]
  * Fix lintian warnings
  * debian/*.lograote: compress logfiles when they are rotated. (LP:
  * debian/control:
    - Suggest ceph-common for nova-volume.
    - Add python-cinderclient as a build depends.

  [Vishvananda Ishaya]
  * Split up vncproxy and xvpvncproxy.

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 07:45:50 -0500
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
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Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 07:45:50 -0500
Source: nova
Binary: python-nova nova-common nova-compute nova-compute-lxc nova-compute-uml nova-compute-xen nova-compute-qemu nova-compute-kvm nova-compute-xcp nova-xcp-plugins nova-xcp-network nova-cert nova-scheduler nova-volume nova-ajax-console-proxy nova-novncproxy nova-xvpvncproxy nova-api nova-network nova-objectstore nova-console nova-consoleauth nova-doc nova-api-metadata nova-api-os-compute nova-api-os-volume nova-api-ec2
Architecture: source
Version: 2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1
Distribution: quantal
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
 nova-ajax-console-proxy - OpenStack Compute - AJAX console proxy - transitional package
 nova-api   - OpenStack Compute - API frontend
 nova-api-ec2 - OpenStack Compute - EC2 API frontend
 nova-api-metadata - OpenStack Compute - metadata API frontend
 nova-api-os-compute - OpenStack Compute - OpenStack Compute API frontend
 nova-api-os-volume - OpenStack Compute - OpenStack Volume API frontend
 nova-cert  - OpenStack Compute - certificate management
 nova-common - OpenStack Compute - common files
 nova-compute - OpenStack Compute - compute node
 nova-compute-kvm - OpenStack Compute - compute node (KVM)
 nova-compute-lxc - OpenStack Compute - compute node (LXC)
 nova-compute-qemu - OpenStack Compute - compute node (QEmu)
 nova-compute-uml - OpenStack Compute - compute node (UserModeLinux)
 nova-compute-xcp - OpenStack Compute - compute node (XCP)
 nova-compute-xen - OpenStack Compute - compute node (Xen)
 nova-console - OpenStack Compute - Console
 nova-consoleauth - OpenStack Compute - Console Authenticator
 nova-doc   - OpenStack Compute - documentation
 nova-network - OpenStack Compute - Network manager
 nova-novncproxy - OpenStack Compute - NoVNC proxy
 nova-objectstore - OpenStack Compute - object store
 nova-scheduler - OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
 nova-volume - OpenStack Compute - storage
 nova-xcp-network - OpenStack Compute network plugin for the Xen Cloud Platform
 nova-xcp-plugins - OpenStack Compute plugin for the Xen Cloud Platform
 nova-xvpvncproxy - OpenStack Compute - XVP VNC proxy
 python-nova - OpenStack Compute Python libraries
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 1049915
 nova (2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
   [ Adam Gandelman ]
   * Ensure /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/ is only writable by root, ensure
     those permissions on /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf as well as
     all individual filter configurations.
   [ Chuck Short ]
   * Fix lintian warnings
   * debian/*.lograote: compress logfiles when they are rotated. (LP:
   * debian/control:
     - Suggest ceph-common for nova-volume.
     - Add python-cinderclient as a build depends.
   [Vishvananda Ishaya]
   * Split up vncproxy and xvpvncproxy.
 508c8ed2ec78561e36f011410ff363b90a1a3783 3473 nova_2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1.dsc
 ddd1d4aa9176a8592d599f92a0ed2003fd884215 6251094 nova_2012.2~rc1.orig.tar.gz
 a7d658737cf87a009f87b4073512849916377af8 41738 nova_2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 c01d4cdad7453ab304b07af10ec656ccbbcd677b556640c8af45a943e733de8c 3473 nova_2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1.dsc
 87d060365d02b028ffa7a7efbb809fb16924d93d5649f7239d8329cce60fecf9 6251094 nova_2012.2~rc1.orig.tar.gz
 828aae188ebe3f03f5d2f15b2abb1a203b43cbb72483f9de6f340fb9235ede05 41738 nova_2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 6925ae2257f7a68e17977b9504015465 3473 net extra nova_2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1.dsc
 75b8a4bccd3e62844ee7f03ec638bad2 6251094 net extra nova_2012.2~rc1.orig.tar.gz
 d61b6016e8b2a6f9c9e1e80660faeddb 41738 net extra nova_2012.2~rc1-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Openstack Maintainers <openstack at lists.launchpad.net>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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