[ubuntu/quantal] pyparsing 1.5.6+dfsg1-1 (Accepted)

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 2 17:50:16 UTC 2012

pyparsing (1.5.6+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Team upload.
  * New upstream release (Closes: #667798)
    - drop patch debian/patches/01_leaveWhitespace.dpatch (upstream
      documentation matches API)
    - repack upstream tarball to remove sourceless docs/*.pdf
  * add debian/new-upstream and change debian/watch to automate upstream
  * add debian/README.source to document the repacking
  * add get-orig-source to debian/rules
  * switch to source format 3.0 (quilt) (Closes: #670191)
  * drop dpatch dependency
  * switch to dh
  * add documentation and Python3 package (Closes: #667797)
  * switch from python-support to dh_python2 and dh_python3 (Closes:
  * remove build in debian/rules clean to fix FTBFS twice in a row

Date: 2012-05-20 09:24:04.713811+00:00
Signed-By: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
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