[ubuntu/quantal] live-build 3.0~a57-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)
Colin Watson
cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 22 12:35:14 UTC 2012
live-build (3.0~a57-1ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
* Resynchronise with Debian. Remaining changes:
- Add wubildr build support.
- Fix up live.cfg for casper.
- Drop Recommends on live-boot-doc and live-config-doc for now, until
such time as we switch away from casper.
- Mimic livecd-rootfs's handling of inodes on ext* filesystems to reduce
the pain of resizing preinstalled images.
- Drop gnu-fdisk from Recommends to Suggests; it's only used for USB
- Generate an initramfs that uses the framebuffer for Wubi disk image
- Use i386 -generic-pae kernel flavour on Ubuntu precise.
- If chroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d exists, tidy up the original
and tail files, which are artifacts of the build (and leak the host
system's resolv.conf).
- Switch from powerpc to powerpc-smp kernel.
- Always set 'do_bootloader = no' in /etc/kernel-img.conf, and on some
architectures (notably powerpc) set 'link_on_boot = yes'. This
matches the behaviour of base-installer/library.sh more closely.
- Mark all the linux-headers-$(ABI) packages as autoinstalled, and then
autoremove cruft.
- Remove APT lists for non-release pockets.
* If --build-with-chroot is false, run ! lines in package-lists in the
host system.
* Fix hook execution.
* Break livecd-rootfs (<< 2.75), since there have been many interface
live-build (3.0~a57-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Concentrating all parted calls within lb_binary_hdd into one place
in order to make things simpler.
* Updating lb config --config manpage option to reflect that any Git
Id can be specified, not just branches.
* Removing manpage stubs for second-level commands.
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Initial work to support --config git option.
* Remove settings that should be handled by --config git option.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Also removing binary.netboot.tar.xz before re-creating it in
* Adding live-build to depends for live-build-cgi.
* Adding cron to recommends for live-build-cgi.
live-build (3.0~a56-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding possibility to specify a git branch when using lb config --
* Adding messages about performing git operations when using --config.
* Automatically update auto/config when using --config with extra
* Avoid showing message in lb config running the second time through
auto on git repository based config trees.
* Adding shortcut helper for dctrl-tools.
* Updating GPL standard header in all files.
* Removing chroot_local-patches, too much overhead for just applying
patches (notably, with -p1 enforced), hooks are more flexible
* Disabling volatile for wheezy for the time being.
live-build (3.0~a55-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding release information for jessie.
* Updating all distribution specific selectors in defaults to be as
future proof as possible.
* Dropping global binary includes and moving binary local-includes to
includes, just as with chroot includes and local-includes.
* Dropping globale package lists for the desktop environments.
* Moving off rescue package list to its own git repository for the
config tree.
* Allowing to specify a git repository to lb_config in order to
bootstrap a config tree.
* Reordering auto/config in lb_config to work with bootstrapping
config tree from a git repository.
* Showing a message about ignoring --config when the current directory
already is a git repository.
* Removing unmaintained gnustep package list.
* Adding git to suggests.
* Including gnupg on ubuntu by default through corresponding default
for bootstrap includes.
* Removing minimal package list, not needed anymore.
* Removing unused debian-live package lists.
* Removing debian-junior list, same as with debian-science, see
* Adding support for executable statements as '! $command' in package
* Handling dctrl-tools temporary installation in chroot during
package-lists expansion.
* Removing chroot_task-lists, obsoleted by package lists.
* Dropping global package-lists entirely, only local package lists
within the config tree are support.
* Also checking for dctrl-tools when assembling binary package lists.
* Optimizing chroot package-lists handling for the cases where it's
not used.
live-build (3.0~a54-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Making sure target directory for syslinux theme files exists when
building non-chrooted.
* Fixing up inclusion of functions while allowing local usage of live-
build with different file layouts.
* Correcting accidentally reverted check for rsvg in binary_syslinux
when building non-chrooted.
live-build (3.0~a53-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Removing leftover creation of /var/log in toplevel makefile from the
cron removals.
* Moving main executables away from scripts subdirectory.
* Moving scripts from /usr/share/live to /usr/lib/live for consistency
with all debian-live packages.
* Renaming example hooks to the newer filename patter that is required
by live-build since a while.
* Removing debian-installer-banner.binary example hook, this can be
done through config/includes.binary_debian-installer directly.
* Removing hal-automount.chroot example hook, not needed anymore.
* Removing linux-modules.chroot example hook, this can be done by
kmods conf.d directories directly.
* Removing live-build-inclusion.binary example hook, too broken way to
do it.
* Removing okular-nodrm.chroot example hook, would need update for
recent kde4 versions and I don't care about that.
* Removing rt2570-modules.chroot example hook, obsoleted out-of-tree
* Removing sun-java6.chroot example hook, obsoleted by openjdk.
* Removing udev-generators.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-
builds own hacks.
* Removing update-initramfs.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-
builds own hacks.
* Removing virtualbox.chroot example hook, not required anymore with
current virtualbox versions.
* Removing sysvinit.chroot example hook, not useful on modern systems
* Removing losetup-lukshome.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-
boots new persistence implementation.
* Removing kernel-purge.chroot example hook, not usefull anymore.
* Removing localepurge.chroot example hook, should be done solely
through preseeding.
* Removing debian-live-pxe-server.chroot example hook, not usefull in
this way.
* Installing examples into the correct location in /usr/share/doc.
* Removing debian-science package list, there's science-tasks and
#513296 to do this in proper.
* Removing warning from minimal package list about minimal hook, which
isn't the case anymore.
* Removing ubuntu-cloud and ubuntu-cloud-desktop package lists.
* Adding missing copyright fields in copyright file.
* Correcting spelling typo in 3.0~a52-1 changelog entry.
* Removing leftover maintainer scripts from cron removals.
live-build (3.0~a52-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Improving error message in lb wrapper to show the command in case of
a missing command.
* Adding svg splash for syslinux bootloaders.
* Adding dynamic information into the splash and creating the png
export at build time.
* Truncating udev persistent net rules in remove-udev-persistent-
rules.chroot hook rather than to remove them (Closes: #680763).
* Removing discontinued live-build-cron autobuilder (Closes: #672379).
* Updating dhcp packages in rescue package list to avoid transitional
packages for squeeze and up.
* Marking libguytools1 as squeeze only in rescue package list.
* Marking ddrescue as squeeze-only in rescue list.
* Using clamav-data for squeeze and clamav-freshclam for wheezy/sid in
rescue list.
* Applying patch from Steven Shiau <steven at nchc.org.tw> to
conditionally copy /etc/apt/secring.gpg* files.
* Renaming net flavour to netboot for consistency.
* Adding support for zsync control files generation, thanks to Hector
Oron <hector.oron at gmail.com> for the idea and prototype.
* Adding xz as valid compression format.
* Using xz to compress images on anything except squeeze, keeping gzip
as default for squeeze.
* Removing spurious lb_source_netboot, there's not such thing as a
netboot specific source tarball anyway.
* Handle multiple version numbers when having more than one linux
flavours for splash.svg post-processing.
* Adding support for pinning preferences files in
* Updating splash.svg handling for unchrooted and chrooted builds.
* Decrufting version flag.
* Correcting live-build and live-boot versions for splash.svg post-
* Also removing zsync files in lb clean.
* Slightly updating strings in splash.svg for better organization of
the information presented.
* Adding extlinux bootloader configuration files.
* Correcting freudian typo in package check for chroot filesystems
dependencies in binary_rootfs.
* Adding support for ntfs as binary filesystem when using syslinux.
* Updating squeeze point-release number.
* Setting initial release number for wheezy.
* Correcting spelling typo of ubuntus 12.10 codename.
* Correcting some distribution specific checks to make them
derivatives compliant.
* Enabling security archives on wheezy.
live-build (3.0~a51-1) unstable; urgency=low
* For consistency, respecting config/environment too for both chroot
and binary environments (but the content of sepcific environments
for either chroot or binary still has precedence over the generic
* Changing default binary.list filename to binary.contents to make it
more explicit and not to be confused with package lists.
* Automatically include intel-microcode when building with firmware
and non-free enabled.
* Redirecting rmdir output in postrm for live-build-cron properly
(Closes: #676102).
* Removing alpha and hppa stub support, both architectures have been
dropped for wheezy in debian.
* Switching from smbfs to cifs-utils (Closes: #679240).
* Switching to xz compression in source and binary packages.
live-build (3.0~a50-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating auto example scripts.
* Correcting cron.d directory removal in postrm.
* Removing grub-efi from d-i packages for the time being, it doesn't
work correctly yet.
* Automatically translate date formats in po files.
* Updating live-media checksum names for newer live-boot.
* Defaulting to SHA256 live-media checksums.
* Re-arranging frontends in source tree.
* Updating l10n stuff before removing it.
* Removing unmaintained l10n handling.
* Dropping different debian cgi templates and use only the one used on
* Removing old/non-working graph-helper.
[ Hector Oron ]
* Dont assume bash when configuring chroot with QEMU.
live-build (3.0~a49-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting renaming of syslinux files in progress mode to actually
* Naming resulting binary isohybrid image binary.hybrid.iso from now
on for consistency with the different hdd images later on.
* Moving firmware symlink creation to the end of binary_debian-
installer in order to ensure to take only the latest packages into
account that get into the image, regardless if they come from the
archive or are localy included.
* Cleaning http_proxy and ftp_proxy settings in chroot, people using
apt proxies set them throught the apt pseudo-proxy options, and
people using real proxies use config/environment.{chroot,binary} to
set them.
* Allowing to inject variables through config/environment.binary into
the binary environment.
* Allowing to use comments in config/environment.{binary,chroot}.
* Removing pre-squeeze XORG_CONFIG variable from the chroot
* Don't bother supporting firmware on ubuntu, they seem to have a
different archive structure.
* Renaming config/binary_debian-installer-includes to
config/includes.binary_debian-installer for consistency with the
other include directories.
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Adding default for --debian-installer-preseedfile.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing some more configuration files on purge (Closes: #672379).
* Renaming internal .stage to .build for consistency within the
configuration tree.
* Adding grub-efi to static list of packages for the d-i pool for
* Making firmware package assembling a bit more robust.
* Updating cache directory names to consistent naming scheme.
* Moving local includes from auto/{functions,scripts} to
local/{functions,scripts} where they belong.
live-build (3.0~a48-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Transforming failsafe boot parameter into an own option.
* Updating release list for ubuntu.
* Adding failsafe entries for syslinux bootloaders in embedded
[ Tails developers ]
* Fixing typo in rescue package list.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting typo in binary_rootfs to restore 'plain' live filesystem
* Using /boot on live media instead of /isolinux or /syslinux in
progress mode.
* Allowing to inject variables through config/environment.chroot into
the chroots environment.
live-build (3.0~a47-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* When removing fstab for live-installer also touch an empty file for
it to avoid other packages failing on non-existing fstab.
* Making extraction of the manpage section in manpages/Makefile work
with multiple dots in the filename.
* Correcting regression in the form of a wrong path in binary_syslinux
for syslinux theme packages.
* Temporarily including bzip2 manually when bootstrapping until
#657560 has been fixed in unstable.
* Correcting destination directory for extraction of the gfxboot-theme
in ubuntu mode.
[ intrigeri ]
* Adding nosplash to the list of options appended in fail-safe mode.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding memtest to the list of options appended in fail-safe mode.
* Updating defaults for linux-latest metapackages in wheezy.
* Adding support for including firmware packages automatically within
* Installing packages into their detected sections within binary pool,
needed for proper firmware package placement.
* Generating package indices for the detected sections within binary
pool, needed for proper firmware package placement.
* Removing 'frozen' symlink in d-i dists, the other suitnames can
probably go to.
* Adding support for including firmware packages automatically within
the live system.
* Adding entries about the firmware options in lb_config manpage.
* Automatically preseed some known firmware packages.
* Also include firmware-linux meta package if non-free is enabled.
* Updating static list of live specific packages that get
unconditionally added and included in the source images.
* Unconditionally including firmware in all images by default. This is
safe since only firmware available within the configured archive
area is included automatically, see manpage.
* Adding symlinks in /firmware for debian-installer on live media.
* Slight reordering in lb_binary_debian-installer.
live-build (3.0~a46-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Excluding honeyd for wheezy in rescue package list (Closes:
* Including thttpd for squeeze only in rescue package list.
* Excluding guymager for wheezy in rescue package list.
* Removing full path from chroot calls in chroot function.
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Set parent distribution, parent debian installer, and mode, also
disable backports on l-b.cgi
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing --hostname cruft, live-config bootparameters should be used
via --bootappend-live.
* Removing --username cruft, live-config bootparameters should be used
via --bootappend-live.
* Updating copyright file machine-readable format version 1.0.
* Updating to standards version 3.9.3.
* Marking lde in rescue list as squeeze only, thanks to Michal
Suchanek <hramrach at centrum.cz>.
* Adding architecture to the output message when running lb_config.
* Excluding security and volatile archives for ubuntu precise for the
the time being.
* Removing references to not existing --language option in lb_config
* Switching default bootstrap mirror from ftp.de.debian.org to
ftp.debian.org, now that ftp.debian.org has upgraded hardware and
* Avoid calling update-initrd in lb_chroot_hacks if the target system
has no initrd, thanks to Hector Oron <zumbi at debian.org>.
* Excluding console-common in standard list for ubuntu as console-
common is in universe.
* Adding Italian debconf translations from Beatrice Torracca
<beatricet at libero.it> (Closes: #663428).
* Updating release list for progress.
* Updating release list for ubuntu.
* Moving pxelinux.cfg to pxelinux.cfg/default in pxelinux bootloader
* Moving kernel and initrd into tftpboot directory for netboot images.
* Prefering default modules in initrd even on netboot images (Closes:
live-build (3.0~a45-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting typo in defaults for backports mirror.
* Correcting typo in ubuntu default distribution name, thanks to Marco
Lechner <marco.lechner at fossgis.de> (Closes: #659823).
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Removing menu as it adds an unwanted menu to some DEs/WMs which
prefer to do without.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Add forgotten fallback for mode setting if lsb_release is not
* Adding Polish debconf translations from Michal Kulach
<michalkulach at gmail.com> (Closes: #660003).
live-build (3.0~a44-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Handling /etc/resolv.conf even if it's a dangling symlink like with
resolv.conf, thanks to Stephane Graber <stgraber at ubuntu.com>
(Closes: #657640).
* Adding updated Spanish debconf translations from Javier Fernández-
Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org> (Closes: #656404).
* Adding Dutch debconf translations from Jeroen Schot <schot at a-
eskwadraat.nl> (Closes: #657470).
* Correcting lzcat call in binary_disk to not bail out due to non-
standard file extension (unknown suffix -- unchanged), thanks to
Luigi Capriotti <l.capriotti at xbmc.org> (Closes: #658995).
* Correcting destination path for uuid.conf when using casper in
binary_disk, thanks to Luigi Capriotti <l.capriotti at xbmc.org>
(Closes: #658995).
* Removing warning about resolvconf package, not be needed anymore.
* Adding a workaround in rules to stop dh_link converting absolute
symlinks to relative symlinks for bootloader configs.
* Adding lintian overrides for symlink-should-be-relative (bootloader
configs need to use absolute symlinks on purpose to allow chrooted
live-build (3.0~a43-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating to debhelper version 9.
[ Richard Nelson ]
* l-b.cgi - Add pending build(s) to be processed ahead of your
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Setting default mirror for progress to cdn.archive.progress-
* Updating lb_binary_syslinux for embedded syslinux themes.
* Adding embedded copies for syslinux bootloaders (Closes: #622838,
#635933, #636217, #645406, #646387, #646799, #651520, #652437).
* Applying patch from Ivailo Monev to remove stage files for pseudo-
filesystems helpers in exit function.
* Correcting typo in security chroot mirror variable assembling.
* Autodetecting mode depending on which distribution we're building.
* Giving a note about what mode we are configuring, now that mode is
determined automatically based on the host system.
* Updating squeeze point release number.
* Adding note about 404 errors that are on purpose when fetching udebs
in derivative mode.
* Avoid warning messages in binary_packagelists for not existing local
* Renaming forgotten binary_packagelists to binary_package-lists to
match the rest of lb.
* Removing removal of bootstrap-base udeb in binary_debian-installer.
* Using /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list instead of
/etc/apt/sources.list in derivative mode.
* Updating year in copyright notices for 2012.
* Removing useless top-comment for
* Improve backports handling in derivatives mode.
* Adding opt-in hook to remove all sources.list files, as it's
desirable in some setups.
* Avoid removing populated apt preferences file in derivative mode.
* Dereferencing potential symlinked apt preference files in
* Simplyfing automatic pinning in derivative modes.
* Cleaning up handling of apt preferences when building in progress
* Shortening kernel and initrd filenames in /live again similar to
what we did with in lenny.
live-build (3.0~a42-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Matthijs Kooijman ]
* Make lb_chroot_hooks work with dash.
* Fix pathname for running hooks in lb_chroot_hooks.
* Make the config available to all hooks.
* Fix path in 001-update-apt-file-cache.chroot.
* Use a two-stage mount again for mounting config inside chroot in
* Unmount /root/config in case of error.
* Unmount chroot/root/config when running lb_clean.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding armhf kernel defaults, thanks for Ying-Chun Liu
<paulliu at debian.org> for bringing it up (Closes: #655557).
* Correcting wrong and incompatible loop for casper initrds in
* Using syslinux payload as fallback in lb_binary_syslinux if no
destinct image type could be deduced (Closes: #655562).
* Switching priorities of mirror defaults (which mirror default is
used from which previously set mirror default etc.) to the way it
was intendet to be.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Print the current time before starting a command with the lb wrapper
script (Closes: #630089).
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding reference to --parent-archive-areas in lb_config manpage
(Closes: #646797).
live-build (3.0~a41-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Richard Nelson ]
* l-b.cgi correct naming of --architectures
* l-b.cgi add option for amd64 to --architectures.
* l-b.cgi cleanup cron.d operations.
* l-b.cgi cleanup build.html to use LB_BINARY_INTICES.
* l-b.cgi cleanup trailing whitespace in l-b.cgi.cron
* l-b.cgi update to form.html to current --package-lists
* l-b.cgi update form.html to current --binary-images
* l-b.cgi correct virtual-hdd option form.html
* l-b.cgi modify old --packages param to become
* l-b.cgi rename 686-bigmem to 686-pae on forms.
* l-b.cgi remove mirror operations which should be handled in
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Enabling contrib and non-free by default for progress.
[ Matthijs Kooijman ]
* Fixing lb_binary_rootfs leaving the chroot without archives files.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding support for apt preference.d in config/chroot_apt.
* Fix unconditional overwriting of
/etc/apt/preferences.d/progress.pref in progress mode.
* Correcting assembling of automatic pinning in progress mode.
* Adding temporary hack with pinning to avoid squashfs-tools mismatch
for artax-backports.
* Using xz compression for squashfs only on wheezy and sid for the
moment, not artax-backports.
* Adding updated Portuguese debconf translations from Miguel
Figueiredo <elmig at debianpt.org> (Closes: #654966).
* Adding updated Swedish debconf translations from Martin Bagge
<brother at bsnet.se> (Closes: #651345).
live-build (3.0~a40-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding libasound2-plugins to standard-x11 package list, thanks to
Nik Lutz <nik.lutz at gmail.com>.
* Inverting logic for defaults or archive-areas wrt/ parent and
* Creating progress specific disk info files in progress mode.
* Adding updated Czech debconf translations from Michal Simunek
<michal.simunek at gmail.com> (Closes: #649110).
* Adding updated Russian debconf translations from Yuri Kozlov
<yuray at komyakino.ru> (Closes: #650870).
* Adding updated French debconf translations from Julien Patriarca
<patriarcaj at gmail.com> (Closes: #650655).
live-build (3.0~a39-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding temporary manual setting of d-i urls for progress.
* Removing --tasks leftovers in lb_config.
* Sorting overrides in rules alphabetically.
* Also setting 5% margin for ext4 images, thanks to Neil Wilson
<neil at aldur.co.uk> for spotting it (Closes: #647601).
* Applying some of the suggestions from the reviewed control file from
debian-l10n-english (Closes: #643957).
* Applying some of the suggestions from the reviewed template file
from debian-l10n-english.
* Adding initial Czech debconf translations from Michal Simunek
<michal.simunek at gmail.com> (Closes: #648457).
* Adding initial Danish debconf translations from Joe Dalton
<joedalton2 at yahoo.dk> (Closes: #648346).
* Adding initial Spanish debconf translations from Gildardo Adrián
Maravilla Jácome <gilmjc at gmail.com> and Francisco Javier Cuadrado
<fcocuadrado at gmail.com> (Closes: #648463).
* Adding initial French debconf translations from Julien Patriarca
<patriarcaj at gmail.com> (Closes: #647820).
* Adding initial Portuguese debconf translations from Miguel
Figueiredo <elmig at debianpt.org> (Closes: #648484).
* Adding initial Russian debconf translations from Yuri Kozlov
<yuray at komyakino.ru> (Closes: #647993).
* Adding initial Swedish debconf translations from Martin Bagge
<brother at bsnet.se> (Closes: #648377).
* Adding initial Telugu debconf translations from Praveen Illa
<mail2ipn at gmail.com> (Closes: #648693).
* Adding initial German debconf translations from Holger Wansing
<linux at wansing-online.de> (Closes: #648381).
* Updating and completing German debconf translations.
live-build (3.0~a38-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Disable backports forcefully when building artax-backports images
* Updating symlinks for Ubuntu releases in debian-cd includes.
* Adding hook to remove dbus machine id.
* Renumbering hooks.
* Bail out early in lb_source if source is disabled (Closes: #646807).
* Adding expire date for oneiric in releases list.
* Adding precise in releases list.
* Correcting defaults d-i mirror for progress.
live-build (3.0~a37-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Also strip out source archives from local archive definitions when
using --apt-source-archives false.
* Correcting typo in defaults for system variable.
live-build (3.0~a36-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Using compression level 9 also for binary packages.
* Updating squeeze point release number.
* Correcting wrong location when looking for local preseed files in
config tree, thanks to Eugenio Paolantonio <me at medesimo.eu> (Closes:
* Deal with non-existing preseed files in config tree.
live-build (3.0~a35-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Treating sources.list top-level file specially to workaround bug in
apt that makes sources.list.d sources to be never prefered over main
sources.list when using pinning (Closes: #573054).
* Making top sources.list conditional, not everyone necessarily always
uses that.
* Marking tct in debian-forensics package list as squeeze only, thanks
to Michael Milligan <mmilligan at astro.umn.edu> (Closes: #643926).
[ Ben Howard ]
* Adding check for missing mtab during chrooted binary rootfs stage.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating ettercap entries in rescue list for wheezy, thanks to
Michael Milligan <mmilligan at astro.umn.edu>.
* Marking ntfsprogs as squeeze only in rescue list, thanks to Michael
Milligan <mmilligan at astro.umn.edu>.
* Adding bug number to comments when moving top-level sources.list.
[ Ben Howard ]
* Adding Ubuntu Cloud images packages lists.
* Adding foreign bootstrap via qemu for cross arch building.
live-build (3.0~a34-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing unused global chroot_preseed.
* Renaming and reworking previous chroot_local-preseed into
chroot_preseed, now looking for config/preseed/*.preseed{,.chroot}
* Correcting indenting glitch in lb_binary_chroot.
* Using 'none' instead of 'plain' when specifying that no chroot
filesystem should be used.
* Renaming virtual-hdd-root-size to hdd-size in preparation of merging
virtual-hdd into hdd.
[ Ben Howard ]
* Setting default armel linux flavour for Ubuntu.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding --system option to define the resulting image type to be a
live system or a normal, non-live system.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Copying gfxboot theme when building for Ubuntu.
[ Adam Conrad ]
* Using the correct mirror locations for Ubuntu ports.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Defaulting to ubuntu-oneiric syslinux theme on Ubuntu.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Setting default ubuntu release to oneric.
* Removing EOL Ubuntu dapper from release information.
live-build (3.0~a33-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Correcting check for debian-installer-distribution when using daily
images in non-derivatives mode.
live-build (3.0~a32-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting wrong spelling of cache in exit function, thanks to David
Endler for spotting it.
* Adding option for setting filesystem label on usb-hdd images.
* Correcting syntax error in tr command used in default for hdd-label
in progress mode.
* Renaming usb-hdd binary image type to simply hdd.
* Updating volatile handling in chroot_archives for derivatives when
using foo-backports distribution scheme.
* Temporarily removing live-tools from standard package list, doesn't
work for derivatives yet.
* Making sure that volatile for the parent distribution is still
included in derivatives mode.
* Switching away from cdn.debian.net as default mirrors for progress,
too unreliable outside of Europe.
* Renaming forgotten lb_binary_usb and lb_source_usb to lb_binary_hdd
resp. lb_source_hdd.
* Correcting incomplete checks for local packages in lb_binary_debian-
* Removing leftovers from usb-hdd to hdd removal in lb_binary_hdd and
[ Yaroslav Halchenko ]
* Enclosing shell variables for iso-* defaults in escaped double-
quotes while evaluating for the length to allow using parentheses
(Closes: #642463).
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting typo in config/includes.chroot creating in lb_config,
thanks to Stanislav Bogatyrev <realloc at realloc.spb.ru> for reporting
[ Yaroslav Halchenko ]
* Fixing left-over uses of --binary-indices in templates/cgi.
* Fixing left-over uses of --packages-lists in cron scripts and
live-build (3.0~a31-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Renumbering hooks.
* Introducing --apt-sources option to control if the live system
should have deb-src entries in sources.list.
* Setting apt-source to false in progress mode.
* Avoiding magic defaults for --apt-indices option when using minimal
or stripped packagelist.
* Renaming --apt-source to --apt-source-archives.
* Including live-tools in standard package list.
* Adding support for ext4 for binary and chroot filesystem, including
partial patch from Ben Howard <ben.howard at canonical.com> (Closes:
[ intrigeri ]
* Fixing typos brought in by ext4 support patch.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Only calling udevadm in losetup function when udev is installed on
the host system.
* Silencing rmdir calls in makefile.
* Automatically using an embedded live-build copy from within the
config tree at local/live-build, if existing.
* Doing uuid.conf extraction from initrd with the correct
decompression utility (Closes: #637979).
* Completing the restoring of the outer chroot when building in
chrooted to not taint subsequent rebuilds of the binary stage with
leftovers from the initial lb_binary_rootfs (Closes: #620953).
* Renaming binary.packages list files (that contain what package is
installed in the chroot) to chroot as they are build during chroot
stage, this fixes some rebuild issues.
* Renaming forgotten lb_binary_local-packagelists to
* Renaming lb_chroot_local-includes into lb_chroot_includes and check
for includes in config/includes.chroot.
* Copying chroot.packages.live to binary.packages.
* Improving messages when saving and restoring stage caches (Closes:
* Improve message when skipping a helper because it is already run.
* Renaming config/chroot_packages to config/packages.chroot.
* Renaming lb_chroot_packagelists to lb_chroot_package-lists so that
helper matches directory.
* Setting origin in apt release files for local packages to
* Removing spurious version information in cgi form template.
* Adding link to live-build homepage and version information in cgi
footer template.
* Using config/includes.binary rather than config/binary_local-
* Using config/packages.binary instead of config/binary_local-debs.
* Using config/packages.binary instead of config/binary_local-udebs.
* Updating lb_config for config/packages.binary.
* Also respect config/packages for packages to be installed in both
chroot and binary.
* Correcting syntax error in local package handling.
live-build (3.0~a30-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Enabling volatile suite for progress itself in progress mode.
* Correcting wrong variables in volatile handling for derivatives.
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Removing old syslinux switches from lb_config manpage (Closes:
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Unifying lb_chroot_packagelists and lb_chroot_local-packagelists.
* Merging in last bit of lb_chroot_local-packages into
lb_chroot_archives (Closes: #635046).
* Using lightdm instead of gdm3 in xfce package for wheezy and newer.
* Moving removal of openssh-server host keys from chroot_hacks to a
hook, that way it can be easily skipped if desired.
* Moving removal of udev persistent rules from chroot_hacks to a hook,
that way it can be easily skipped if desired.
live-build (3.0~a29-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Using global version file rather than using copied information in
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Correcting path to VERSION file.
* Rename references of live-build.cgi to live-build-cgi
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Also guarding key additions for local configured archives to not
fail if no key is supplied.
live-build (3.0~a28-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Guarding archives handling with an additional check to prevent ugly
message about files not existing.
* Adding share/hooks to toplevel makefile so that it's included in the
test suite.
* Renaming cgi files within the sources to consistently use the name
* Removing some false-positive bashisms from live-build-cgi.
* Limiting test target to actual scripts in cron subdirectory.
* Since all (false positives for) bashisms are gone, making the test
target fail on bashisms.
live-build (3.0~a27-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Reverse keywords in suffix of the archive definition files for
* Reverse keywords in suffix of the package list files for
* Also using definition files without suffix (so that e.g. foo.list is
used for both chroot and binary stage).
* Removing left-over mentioning of lb_binary_local-hooks instead of
lb_binary_hooks in lb_binary.
live-build (3.0~a26-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Update VERSION in common.sh to match last release.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Skipping binary_linux-image if no kernel was choosen to be installed
deliberately, thanks to Adam Conrad <adconrad at ubuntu.com>.
* Moving archives meta data arround in source tree.
* Correcting filename of live.debian.net archive file.
* Adding hook for calling update.mlocate, thanks to Colin Watson
<cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #627332).
* Adding hook for calling update-apt-xapian-index, thanks to Colin
Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #627716).
* Adding hook for removing gnome icon cache, thanks to Colin Watson
<cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #630088).
* Adding hook to remove python py files, thanks to Colin Watson
<cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #631281).
* Using --no-check-gpg option when using debootstrap >= 1.0.30 and apt
secure is disabled, thanks to Eugenio Paolantonio <me at medesimo.eu>
(Closes: #633356).
* Also unmounting /run in lb_clean eventhough it's not really needed
anyway but let's be on the caucious side (Closes: #633052).
* Adding kubuntu mode in order to have different defadefault hooks
enabled for ubuntu and kubuntu (needed for #630088).
* Consolidating local hooks for chroot and binary into
* Numbering embedded hooks.
* Saving packages in cache even when failing or interrupting a build
(Closes: #586929).
* Enabling hooks based on the mode we're building for.
* Calling dpkg-divert with --quiet in chroot_dpkg.
* Correcting comments in chroot_hooks to match usage.
* Reworking binary hooks helper.
[ Cody A.W. Somerville ]
* Fixing corruption of usb binary images caused by trying to modify
flags in partition table when image is mounted with offset.
* Updating lb_binary_linux-image to only copy over kernel and initrd
if LB_LINUX_PACKAGES doesn't equal 'none'.
* Appending 'linux32' to LB_ROOT_COMMAND if 'uname -m' is x86_64 and
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating cron scripts.
* Compacting copyright file.
* Reworking debconf stuff of merging former live-autobuild-manual and
live-autobuild-images into a single live-build-cron.
* Avoid to hijack root-command with linux32, rather set use it in the
chroot function only.
* Adding a comment to the chroot calls in excludes handling of
binary_chroot whey the chroot function is not used.
[ Cody A.W. Somerville ]
* Setting partition flags in source_usb after creating the filesystem
in order to avoid bug in parted that makes them forget the flags.
* Adding function for more resilient detachment of loopback devices.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Calling mkdir with -p to avoid build failures with multiple kernels
on disk info in ubuntu mode, thanks to Cody A.W. Somerville
<cody.somerville at canonical.com>.
* Correcting uuid extraction from initrds in ubuntu mode to work from
within binary so that it is cleaned up by lb_clean on failed builds.
* Setting default compression levels to -6 for gzip, bzip, lzip and
lzma tarballs.
[ Cody A.W. Somerville ]
* Adding paths for remote debian-installer images on armel.
* Making config tree available to chroot hooks.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating derivatives handling for d-i mirror defaults to better
match the reality that by default, most derivatives are not going to
actually rebuild d-i.
* Adding mdadm manually to extra packages for binary pool for being
used by debian-installer (Closes: #607225).
* Add forgotten handling of already set chroot_hooks in defaults.
* Updating grub packages list in binary_debian-installer.
* Using 'live' rather than 'incomplete' for cd_type in .disk on images
that include debian-installer with live-installer udeb.
* Simplify bind mounting of the config tree during local hooks are run
by using read-only bind mounts.
* Removing unmaintained studio package lists.
* Correcting debconf variables.
* Updating TODO for live-build-cron.
* Correcting typo in lb_config for program variable, thanks to
intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>.
* Adding virtual-hdd in lb_config manpage as binary image type.
* Handle package-lists parameter for lb_config in live-build-cron-
images script for both lb version 2.x and 3.x.
* Setting default kernel flavours for armel to all available flavour
due to the nature of armel images (single rootfs image, multiple
kernel images).
* Removing debian-instaler-distribution selection from live-build-
cron-images for the time being.
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Fixing/adding cross-references for live-boot and live-config.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting cross-references to live-boot and live-config in
lb_config manpage.
* Adjusting check for target directory in live-build-cron scripts to
fail if non-directories are used, thanks to Ben Armstrong
<synrg at debian.org>.
[ intrigeri ]
* Cleaning up temporary directories at the same time as other cruft.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing -r from short options in lb_config (Closes: #636208).
* Adding hook to update apt-file cache (Closes: #636440).
* Renumbering hook files.
* Adding missing 'set -e' in remove-python-py.chroot hook.
* Correcting indentiation in hook defaults assignment.
live-build (3.0~a25-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Using updated kernel default flavours for sid also for wheezy.
* Adding live-manual to recommends.
* Adding initial live-build-cron package.
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:20:30 +0100
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA256
Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:20:30 +0100
Source: live-build
Binary: live-build live-build-cgi
Architecture: source
Version: 3.0~a57-1ubuntu1
Distribution: quantal
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
live-build - Debian Live - System build scripts
live-build-cgi - Debian Live - System build scripts (CGI frontend)
Closes: 573054 586929 589728 607225 620953 622838 627332 627716 630088 630089 631281 633052 633356 635046 635933 636208 636217 636440 637939 637979 639298 642463 643926 643957 645116 645406 646387 646797 646799 646807 647601 647820 647993 648346 648377 648381 648457 648463 648484 648693 649110 650655 650870 651345 651520 652437 654966 655557 655562 656404 657470 657640 658995 659823 660003 660601 663428 667594 672379 676102 679240 680763
live-build (3.0~a57-1ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
* Resynchronise with Debian. Remaining changes:
- Add wubildr build support.
- Fix up live.cfg for casper.
- Drop Recommends on live-boot-doc and live-config-doc for now, until
such time as we switch away from casper.
- Mimic livecd-rootfs's handling of inodes on ext* filesystems to reduce
the pain of resizing preinstalled images.
- Drop gnu-fdisk from Recommends to Suggests; it's only used for USB
- Generate an initramfs that uses the framebuffer for Wubi disk image
- Use i386 -generic-pae kernel flavour on Ubuntu precise.
- If chroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d exists, tidy up the original
and tail files, which are artifacts of the build (and leak the host
system's resolv.conf).
- Switch from powerpc to powerpc-smp kernel.
- Always set 'do_bootloader = no' in /etc/kernel-img.conf, and on some
architectures (notably powerpc) set 'link_on_boot = yes'. This
matches the behaviour of base-installer/library.sh more closely.
- Mark all the linux-headers-$(ABI) packages as autoinstalled, and then
autoremove cruft.
- Remove APT lists for non-release pockets.
* If --build-with-chroot is false, run ! lines in package-lists in the
host system.
* Fix hook execution.
* Break livecd-rootfs (<< 2.75), since there have been many interface
live-build (3.0~a57-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Concentrating all parted calls within lb_binary_hdd into one place
in order to make things simpler.
* Updating lb config --config manpage option to reflect that any Git
Id can be specified, not just branches.
* Removing manpage stubs for second-level commands.
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Initial work to support --config git option.
* Remove settings that should be handled by --config git option.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Also removing binary.netboot.tar.xz before re-creating it in
* Adding live-build to depends for live-build-cgi.
* Adding cron to recommends for live-build-cgi.
live-build (3.0~a56-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding possibility to specify a git branch when using lb config --
* Adding messages about performing git operations when using --config.
* Automatically update auto/config when using --config with extra
* Avoid showing message in lb config running the second time through
auto on git repository based config trees.
* Adding shortcut helper for dctrl-tools.
* Updating GPL standard header in all files.
* Removing chroot_local-patches, too much overhead for just applying
patches (notably, with -p1 enforced), hooks are more flexible
* Disabling volatile for wheezy for the time being.
live-build (3.0~a55-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding release information for jessie.
* Updating all distribution specific selectors in defaults to be as
future proof as possible.
* Dropping global binary includes and moving binary local-includes to
includes, just as with chroot includes and local-includes.
* Dropping globale package lists for the desktop environments.
* Moving off rescue package list to its own git repository for the
config tree.
* Allowing to specify a git repository to lb_config in order to
bootstrap a config tree.
* Reordering auto/config in lb_config to work with bootstrapping
config tree from a git repository.
* Showing a message about ignoring --config when the current directory
already is a git repository.
* Removing unmaintained gnustep package list.
* Adding git to suggests.
* Including gnupg on ubuntu by default through corresponding default
for bootstrap includes.
* Removing minimal package list, not needed anymore.
* Removing unused debian-live package lists.
* Removing debian-junior list, same as with debian-science, see
* Adding support for executable statements as '! $command' in package
* Handling dctrl-tools temporary installation in chroot during
package-lists expansion.
* Removing chroot_task-lists, obsoleted by package lists.
* Dropping global package-lists entirely, only local package lists
within the config tree are support.
* Also checking for dctrl-tools when assembling binary package lists.
* Optimizing chroot package-lists handling for the cases where it's
not used.
live-build (3.0~a54-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Making sure target directory for syslinux theme files exists when
building non-chrooted.
* Fixing up inclusion of functions while allowing local usage of live-
build with different file layouts.
* Correcting accidentally reverted check for rsvg in binary_syslinux
when building non-chrooted.
live-build (3.0~a53-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Removing leftover creation of /var/log in toplevel makefile from the
cron removals.
* Moving main executables away from scripts subdirectory.
* Moving scripts from /usr/share/live to /usr/lib/live for consistency
with all debian-live packages.
* Renaming example hooks to the newer filename patter that is required
by live-build since a while.
* Removing debian-installer-banner.binary example hook, this can be
done through config/includes.binary_debian-installer directly.
* Removing hal-automount.chroot example hook, not needed anymore.
* Removing linux-modules.chroot example hook, this can be done by
kmods conf.d directories directly.
* Removing live-build-inclusion.binary example hook, too broken way to
do it.
* Removing okular-nodrm.chroot example hook, would need update for
recent kde4 versions and I don't care about that.
* Removing rt2570-modules.chroot example hook, obsoleted out-of-tree
* Removing sun-java6.chroot example hook, obsoleted by openjdk.
* Removing udev-generators.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-
builds own hacks.
* Removing update-initramfs.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-
builds own hacks.
* Removing virtualbox.chroot example hook, not required anymore with
current virtualbox versions.
* Removing sysvinit.chroot example hook, not useful on modern systems
* Removing losetup-lukshome.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-
boots new persistence implementation.
* Removing kernel-purge.chroot example hook, not usefull anymore.
* Removing localepurge.chroot example hook, should be done solely
through preseeding.
* Removing debian-live-pxe-server.chroot example hook, not usefull in
this way.
* Installing examples into the correct location in /usr/share/doc.
* Removing debian-science package list, there's science-tasks and
#513296 to do this in proper.
* Removing warning from minimal package list about minimal hook, which
isn't the case anymore.
* Removing ubuntu-cloud and ubuntu-cloud-desktop package lists.
* Adding missing copyright fields in copyright file.
* Correcting spelling typo in 3.0~a52-1 changelog entry.
* Removing leftover maintainer scripts from cron removals.
live-build (3.0~a52-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Improving error message in lb wrapper to show the command in case of
a missing command.
* Adding svg splash for syslinux bootloaders.
* Adding dynamic information into the splash and creating the png
export at build time.
* Truncating udev persistent net rules in remove-udev-persistent-
rules.chroot hook rather than to remove them (Closes: #680763).
* Removing discontinued live-build-cron autobuilder (Closes: #672379).
* Updating dhcp packages in rescue package list to avoid transitional
packages for squeeze and up.
* Marking libguytools1 as squeeze only in rescue package list.
* Marking ddrescue as squeeze-only in rescue list.
* Using clamav-data for squeeze and clamav-freshclam for wheezy/sid in
rescue list.
* Applying patch from Steven Shiau <steven at nchc.org.tw> to
conditionally copy /etc/apt/secring.gpg* files.
* Renaming net flavour to netboot for consistency.
* Adding support for zsync control files generation, thanks to Hector
Oron <hector.oron at gmail.com> for the idea and prototype.
* Adding xz as valid compression format.
* Using xz to compress images on anything except squeeze, keeping gzip
as default for squeeze.
* Removing spurious lb_source_netboot, there's not such thing as a
netboot specific source tarball anyway.
* Handle multiple version numbers when having more than one linux
flavours for splash.svg post-processing.
* Adding support for pinning preferences files in
* Updating splash.svg handling for unchrooted and chrooted builds.
* Decrufting version flag.
* Correcting live-build and live-boot versions for splash.svg post-
* Also removing zsync files in lb clean.
* Slightly updating strings in splash.svg for better organization of
the information presented.
* Adding extlinux bootloader configuration files.
* Correcting freudian typo in package check for chroot filesystems
dependencies in binary_rootfs.
* Adding support for ntfs as binary filesystem when using syslinux.
* Updating squeeze point-release number.
* Setting initial release number for wheezy.
* Correcting spelling typo of ubuntus 12.10 codename.
* Correcting some distribution specific checks to make them
derivatives compliant.
* Enabling security archives on wheezy.
live-build (3.0~a51-1) unstable; urgency=low
* For consistency, respecting config/environment too for both chroot
and binary environments (but the content of sepcific environments
for either chroot or binary still has precedence over the generic
* Changing default binary.list filename to binary.contents to make it
more explicit and not to be confused with package lists.
* Automatically include intel-microcode when building with firmware
and non-free enabled.
* Redirecting rmdir output in postrm for live-build-cron properly
(Closes: #676102).
* Removing alpha and hppa stub support, both architectures have been
dropped for wheezy in debian.
* Switching from smbfs to cifs-utils (Closes: #679240).
* Switching to xz compression in source and binary packages.
live-build (3.0~a50-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating auto example scripts.
* Correcting cron.d directory removal in postrm.
* Removing grub-efi from d-i packages for the time being, it doesn't
work correctly yet.
* Automatically translate date formats in po files.
* Updating live-media checksum names for newer live-boot.
* Defaulting to SHA256 live-media checksums.
* Re-arranging frontends in source tree.
* Updating l10n stuff before removing it.
* Removing unmaintained l10n handling.
* Dropping different debian cgi templates and use only the one used on
* Removing old/non-working graph-helper.
[ Hector Oron ]
* Dont assume bash when configuring chroot with QEMU.
live-build (3.0~a49-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting renaming of syslinux files in progress mode to actually
* Naming resulting binary isohybrid image binary.hybrid.iso from now
on for consistency with the different hdd images later on.
* Moving firmware symlink creation to the end of binary_debian-
installer in order to ensure to take only the latest packages into
account that get into the image, regardless if they come from the
archive or are localy included.
* Cleaning http_proxy and ftp_proxy settings in chroot, people using
apt proxies set them throught the apt pseudo-proxy options, and
people using real proxies use config/environment.{chroot,binary} to
set them.
* Allowing to inject variables through config/environment.binary into
the binary environment.
* Allowing to use comments in config/environment.{binary,chroot}.
* Removing pre-squeeze XORG_CONFIG variable from the chroot
* Don't bother supporting firmware on ubuntu, they seem to have a
different archive structure.
* Renaming config/binary_debian-installer-includes to
config/includes.binary_debian-installer for consistency with the
other include directories.
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Adding default for --debian-installer-preseedfile.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing some more configuration files on purge (Closes: #672379).
* Renaming internal .stage to .build for consistency within the
configuration tree.
* Adding grub-efi to static list of packages for the d-i pool for
* Making firmware package assembling a bit more robust.
* Updating cache directory names to consistent naming scheme.
* Moving local includes from auto/{functions,scripts} to
local/{functions,scripts} where they belong.
live-build (3.0~a48-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Transforming failsafe boot parameter into an own option.
* Updating release list for ubuntu.
* Adding failsafe entries for syslinux bootloaders in embedded
[ Tails developers ]
* Fixing typo in rescue package list.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting typo in binary_rootfs to restore 'plain' live filesystem
* Using /boot on live media instead of /isolinux or /syslinux in
progress mode.
* Allowing to inject variables through config/environment.chroot into
the chroots environment.
live-build (3.0~a47-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* When removing fstab for live-installer also touch an empty file for
it to avoid other packages failing on non-existing fstab.
* Making extraction of the manpage section in manpages/Makefile work
with multiple dots in the filename.
* Correcting regression in the form of a wrong path in binary_syslinux
for syslinux theme packages.
* Temporarily including bzip2 manually when bootstrapping until
#657560 has been fixed in unstable.
* Correcting destination directory for extraction of the gfxboot-theme
in ubuntu mode.
[ intrigeri ]
* Adding nosplash to the list of options appended in fail-safe mode.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding memtest to the list of options appended in fail-safe mode.
* Updating defaults for linux-latest metapackages in wheezy.
* Adding support for including firmware packages automatically within
* Installing packages into their detected sections within binary pool,
needed for proper firmware package placement.
* Generating package indices for the detected sections within binary
pool, needed for proper firmware package placement.
* Removing 'frozen' symlink in d-i dists, the other suitnames can
probably go to.
* Adding support for including firmware packages automatically within
the live system.
* Adding entries about the firmware options in lb_config manpage.
* Automatically preseed some known firmware packages.
* Also include firmware-linux meta package if non-free is enabled.
* Updating static list of live specific packages that get
unconditionally added and included in the source images.
* Unconditionally including firmware in all images by default. This is
safe since only firmware available within the configured archive
area is included automatically, see manpage.
* Adding symlinks in /firmware for debian-installer on live media.
* Slight reordering in lb_binary_debian-installer.
live-build (3.0~a46-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Excluding honeyd for wheezy in rescue package list (Closes:
* Including thttpd for squeeze only in rescue package list.
* Excluding guymager for wheezy in rescue package list.
* Removing full path from chroot calls in chroot function.
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Set parent distribution, parent debian installer, and mode, also
disable backports on l-b.cgi
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing --hostname cruft, live-config bootparameters should be used
via --bootappend-live.
* Removing --username cruft, live-config bootparameters should be used
via --bootappend-live.
* Updating copyright file machine-readable format version 1.0.
* Updating to standards version 3.9.3.
* Marking lde in rescue list as squeeze only, thanks to Michal
Suchanek <hramrach at centrum.cz>.
* Adding architecture to the output message when running lb_config.
* Excluding security and volatile archives for ubuntu precise for the
the time being.
* Removing references to not existing --language option in lb_config
* Switching default bootstrap mirror from ftp.de.debian.org to
ftp.debian.org, now that ftp.debian.org has upgraded hardware and
* Avoid calling update-initrd in lb_chroot_hacks if the target system
has no initrd, thanks to Hector Oron <zumbi at debian.org>.
* Excluding console-common in standard list for ubuntu as console-
common is in universe.
* Adding Italian debconf translations from Beatrice Torracca
<beatricet at libero.it> (Closes: #663428).
* Updating release list for progress.
* Updating release list for ubuntu.
* Moving pxelinux.cfg to pxelinux.cfg/default in pxelinux bootloader
* Moving kernel and initrd into tftpboot directory for netboot images.
* Prefering default modules in initrd even on netboot images (Closes:
live-build (3.0~a45-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting typo in defaults for backports mirror.
* Correcting typo in ubuntu default distribution name, thanks to Marco
Lechner <marco.lechner at fossgis.de> (Closes: #659823).
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Removing menu as it adds an unwanted menu to some DEs/WMs which
prefer to do without.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Add forgotten fallback for mode setting if lsb_release is not
* Adding Polish debconf translations from Michal Kulach
<michalkulach at gmail.com> (Closes: #660003).
live-build (3.0~a44-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Handling /etc/resolv.conf even if it's a dangling symlink like with
resolv.conf, thanks to Stephane Graber <stgraber at ubuntu.com>
(Closes: #657640).
* Adding updated Spanish debconf translations from Javier Fernández-
Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org> (Closes: #656404).
* Adding Dutch debconf translations from Jeroen Schot <schot at a-
eskwadraat.nl> (Closes: #657470).
* Correcting lzcat call in binary_disk to not bail out due to non-
standard file extension (unknown suffix -- unchanged), thanks to
Luigi Capriotti <l.capriotti at xbmc.org> (Closes: #658995).
* Correcting destination path for uuid.conf when using casper in
binary_disk, thanks to Luigi Capriotti <l.capriotti at xbmc.org>
(Closes: #658995).
* Removing warning about resolvconf package, not be needed anymore.
* Adding a workaround in rules to stop dh_link converting absolute
symlinks to relative symlinks for bootloader configs.
* Adding lintian overrides for symlink-should-be-relative (bootloader
configs need to use absolute symlinks on purpose to allow chrooted
live-build (3.0~a43-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating to debhelper version 9.
[ Richard Nelson ]
* l-b.cgi - Add pending build(s) to be processed ahead of your
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Setting default mirror for progress to cdn.archive.progress-
* Updating lb_binary_syslinux for embedded syslinux themes.
* Adding embedded copies for syslinux bootloaders (Closes: #622838,
#635933, #636217, #645406, #646387, #646799, #651520, #652437).
* Applying patch from Ivailo Monev to remove stage files for pseudo-
filesystems helpers in exit function.
* Correcting typo in security chroot mirror variable assembling.
* Autodetecting mode depending on which distribution we're building.
* Giving a note about what mode we are configuring, now that mode is
determined automatically based on the host system.
* Updating squeeze point release number.
* Adding note about 404 errors that are on purpose when fetching udebs
in derivative mode.
* Avoid warning messages in binary_packagelists for not existing local
* Renaming forgotten binary_packagelists to binary_package-lists to
match the rest of lb.
* Removing removal of bootstrap-base udeb in binary_debian-installer.
* Using /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list instead of
/etc/apt/sources.list in derivative mode.
* Updating year in copyright notices for 2012.
* Removing useless top-comment for
* Improve backports handling in derivatives mode.
* Adding opt-in hook to remove all sources.list files, as it's
desirable in some setups.
* Avoid removing populated apt preferences file in derivative mode.
* Dereferencing potential symlinked apt preference files in
* Simplyfing automatic pinning in derivative modes.
* Cleaning up handling of apt preferences when building in progress
* Shortening kernel and initrd filenames in /live again similar to
what we did with in lenny.
live-build (3.0~a42-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Matthijs Kooijman ]
* Make lb_chroot_hooks work with dash.
* Fix pathname for running hooks in lb_chroot_hooks.
* Make the config available to all hooks.
* Fix path in 001-update-apt-file-cache.chroot.
* Use a two-stage mount again for mounting config inside chroot in
* Unmount /root/config in case of error.
* Unmount chroot/root/config when running lb_clean.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding armhf kernel defaults, thanks for Ying-Chun Liu
<paulliu at debian.org> for bringing it up (Closes: #655557).
* Correcting wrong and incompatible loop for casper initrds in
* Using syslinux payload as fallback in lb_binary_syslinux if no
destinct image type could be deduced (Closes: #655562).
* Switching priorities of mirror defaults (which mirror default is
used from which previously set mirror default etc.) to the way it
was intendet to be.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Print the current time before starting a command with the lb wrapper
script (Closes: #630089).
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding reference to --parent-archive-areas in lb_config manpage
(Closes: #646797).
live-build (3.0~a41-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Richard Nelson ]
* l-b.cgi correct naming of --architectures
* l-b.cgi add option for amd64 to --architectures.
* l-b.cgi cleanup cron.d operations.
* l-b.cgi cleanup build.html to use LB_BINARY_INTICES.
* l-b.cgi cleanup trailing whitespace in l-b.cgi.cron
* l-b.cgi update to form.html to current --package-lists
* l-b.cgi update form.html to current --binary-images
* l-b.cgi correct virtual-hdd option form.html
* l-b.cgi modify old --packages param to become
* l-b.cgi rename 686-bigmem to 686-pae on forms.
* l-b.cgi remove mirror operations which should be handled in
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Enabling contrib and non-free by default for progress.
[ Matthijs Kooijman ]
* Fixing lb_binary_rootfs leaving the chroot without archives files.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding support for apt preference.d in config/chroot_apt.
* Fix unconditional overwriting of
/etc/apt/preferences.d/progress.pref in progress mode.
* Correcting assembling of automatic pinning in progress mode.
* Adding temporary hack with pinning to avoid squashfs-tools mismatch
for artax-backports.
* Using xz compression for squashfs only on wheezy and sid for the
moment, not artax-backports.
* Adding updated Portuguese debconf translations from Miguel
Figueiredo <elmig at debianpt.org> (Closes: #654966).
* Adding updated Swedish debconf translations from Martin Bagge
<brother at bsnet.se> (Closes: #651345).
live-build (3.0~a40-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding libasound2-plugins to standard-x11 package list, thanks to
Nik Lutz <nik.lutz at gmail.com>.
* Inverting logic for defaults or archive-areas wrt/ parent and
* Creating progress specific disk info files in progress mode.
* Adding updated Czech debconf translations from Michal Simunek
<michal.simunek at gmail.com> (Closes: #649110).
* Adding updated Russian debconf translations from Yuri Kozlov
<yuray at komyakino.ru> (Closes: #650870).
* Adding updated French debconf translations from Julien Patriarca
<patriarcaj at gmail.com> (Closes: #650655).
live-build (3.0~a39-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding temporary manual setting of d-i urls for progress.
* Removing --tasks leftovers in lb_config.
* Sorting overrides in rules alphabetically.
* Also setting 5% margin for ext4 images, thanks to Neil Wilson
<neil at aldur.co.uk> for spotting it (Closes: #647601).
* Applying some of the suggestions from the reviewed control file from
debian-l10n-english (Closes: #643957).
* Applying some of the suggestions from the reviewed template file
from debian-l10n-english.
* Adding initial Czech debconf translations from Michal Simunek
<michal.simunek at gmail.com> (Closes: #648457).
* Adding initial Danish debconf translations from Joe Dalton
<joedalton2 at yahoo.dk> (Closes: #648346).
* Adding initial Spanish debconf translations from Gildardo Adrián
Maravilla Jácome <gilmjc at gmail.com> and Francisco Javier Cuadrado
<fcocuadrado at gmail.com> (Closes: #648463).
* Adding initial French debconf translations from Julien Patriarca
<patriarcaj at gmail.com> (Closes: #647820).
* Adding initial Portuguese debconf translations from Miguel
Figueiredo <elmig at debianpt.org> (Closes: #648484).
* Adding initial Russian debconf translations from Yuri Kozlov
<yuray at komyakino.ru> (Closes: #647993).
* Adding initial Swedish debconf translations from Martin Bagge
<brother at bsnet.se> (Closes: #648377).
* Adding initial Telugu debconf translations from Praveen Illa
<mail2ipn at gmail.com> (Closes: #648693).
* Adding initial German debconf translations from Holger Wansing
<linux at wansing-online.de> (Closes: #648381).
* Updating and completing German debconf translations.
live-build (3.0~a38-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Disable backports forcefully when building artax-backports images
* Updating symlinks for Ubuntu releases in debian-cd includes.
* Adding hook to remove dbus machine id.
* Renumbering hooks.
* Bail out early in lb_source if source is disabled (Closes: #646807).
* Adding expire date for oneiric in releases list.
* Adding precise in releases list.
* Correcting defaults d-i mirror for progress.
live-build (3.0~a37-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Also strip out source archives from local archive definitions when
using --apt-source-archives false.
* Correcting typo in defaults for system variable.
live-build (3.0~a36-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Using compression level 9 also for binary packages.
* Updating squeeze point release number.
* Correcting wrong location when looking for local preseed files in
config tree, thanks to Eugenio Paolantonio <me at medesimo.eu> (Closes:
* Deal with non-existing preseed files in config tree.
live-build (3.0~a35-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Treating sources.list top-level file specially to workaround bug in
apt that makes sources.list.d sources to be never prefered over main
sources.list when using pinning (Closes: #573054).
* Making top sources.list conditional, not everyone necessarily always
uses that.
* Marking tct in debian-forensics package list as squeeze only, thanks
to Michael Milligan <mmilligan at astro.umn.edu> (Closes: #643926).
[ Ben Howard ]
* Adding check for missing mtab during chrooted binary rootfs stage.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating ettercap entries in rescue list for wheezy, thanks to
Michael Milligan <mmilligan at astro.umn.edu>.
* Marking ntfsprogs as squeeze only in rescue list, thanks to Michael
Milligan <mmilligan at astro.umn.edu>.
* Adding bug number to comments when moving top-level sources.list.
[ Ben Howard ]
* Adding Ubuntu Cloud images packages lists.
* Adding foreign bootstrap via qemu for cross arch building.
live-build (3.0~a34-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing unused global chroot_preseed.
* Renaming and reworking previous chroot_local-preseed into
chroot_preseed, now looking for config/preseed/*.preseed{,.chroot}
* Correcting indenting glitch in lb_binary_chroot.
* Using 'none' instead of 'plain' when specifying that no chroot
filesystem should be used.
* Renaming virtual-hdd-root-size to hdd-size in preparation of merging
virtual-hdd into hdd.
[ Ben Howard ]
* Setting default armel linux flavour for Ubuntu.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding --system option to define the resulting image type to be a
live system or a normal, non-live system.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Copying gfxboot theme when building for Ubuntu.
[ Adam Conrad ]
* Using the correct mirror locations for Ubuntu ports.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Defaulting to ubuntu-oneiric syslinux theme on Ubuntu.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Setting default ubuntu release to oneric.
* Removing EOL Ubuntu dapper from release information.
live-build (3.0~a33-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Correcting check for debian-installer-distribution when using daily
images in non-derivatives mode.
live-build (3.0~a32-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting wrong spelling of cache in exit function, thanks to David
Endler for spotting it.
* Adding option for setting filesystem label on usb-hdd images.
* Correcting syntax error in tr command used in default for hdd-label
in progress mode.
* Renaming usb-hdd binary image type to simply hdd.
* Updating volatile handling in chroot_archives for derivatives when
using foo-backports distribution scheme.
* Temporarily removing live-tools from standard package list, doesn't
work for derivatives yet.
* Making sure that volatile for the parent distribution is still
included in derivatives mode.
* Switching away from cdn.debian.net as default mirrors for progress,
too unreliable outside of Europe.
* Renaming forgotten lb_binary_usb and lb_source_usb to lb_binary_hdd
resp. lb_source_hdd.
* Correcting incomplete checks for local packages in lb_binary_debian-
* Removing leftovers from usb-hdd to hdd removal in lb_binary_hdd and
[ Yaroslav Halchenko ]
* Enclosing shell variables for iso-* defaults in escaped double-
quotes while evaluating for the length to allow using parentheses
(Closes: #642463).
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting typo in config/includes.chroot creating in lb_config,
thanks to Stanislav Bogatyrev <realloc at realloc.spb.ru> for reporting
[ Yaroslav Halchenko ]
* Fixing left-over uses of --binary-indices in templates/cgi.
* Fixing left-over uses of --packages-lists in cron scripts and
live-build (3.0~a31-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Renumbering hooks.
* Introducing --apt-sources option to control if the live system
should have deb-src entries in sources.list.
* Setting apt-source to false in progress mode.
* Avoiding magic defaults for --apt-indices option when using minimal
or stripped packagelist.
* Renaming --apt-source to --apt-source-archives.
* Including live-tools in standard package list.
* Adding support for ext4 for binary and chroot filesystem, including
partial patch from Ben Howard <ben.howard at canonical.com> (Closes:
[ intrigeri ]
* Fixing typos brought in by ext4 support patch.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Only calling udevadm in losetup function when udev is installed on
the host system.
* Silencing rmdir calls in makefile.
* Automatically using an embedded live-build copy from within the
config tree at local/live-build, if existing.
* Doing uuid.conf extraction from initrd with the correct
decompression utility (Closes: #637979).
* Completing the restoring of the outer chroot when building in
chrooted to not taint subsequent rebuilds of the binary stage with
leftovers from the initial lb_binary_rootfs (Closes: #620953).
* Renaming binary.packages list files (that contain what package is
installed in the chroot) to chroot as they are build during chroot
stage, this fixes some rebuild issues.
* Renaming forgotten lb_binary_local-packagelists to
* Renaming lb_chroot_local-includes into lb_chroot_includes and check
for includes in config/includes.chroot.
* Copying chroot.packages.live to binary.packages.
* Improving messages when saving and restoring stage caches (Closes:
* Improve message when skipping a helper because it is already run.
* Renaming config/chroot_packages to config/packages.chroot.
* Renaming lb_chroot_packagelists to lb_chroot_package-lists so that
helper matches directory.
* Setting origin in apt release files for local packages to
* Removing spurious version information in cgi form template.
* Adding link to live-build homepage and version information in cgi
footer template.
* Using config/includes.binary rather than config/binary_local-
* Using config/packages.binary instead of config/binary_local-debs.
* Using config/packages.binary instead of config/binary_local-udebs.
* Updating lb_config for config/packages.binary.
* Also respect config/packages for packages to be installed in both
chroot and binary.
* Correcting syntax error in local package handling.
live-build (3.0~a30-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Enabling volatile suite for progress itself in progress mode.
* Correcting wrong variables in volatile handling for derivatives.
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Removing old syslinux switches from lb_config manpage (Closes:
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Unifying lb_chroot_packagelists and lb_chroot_local-packagelists.
* Merging in last bit of lb_chroot_local-packages into
lb_chroot_archives (Closes: #635046).
* Using lightdm instead of gdm3 in xfce package for wheezy and newer.
* Moving removal of openssh-server host keys from chroot_hacks to a
hook, that way it can be easily skipped if desired.
* Moving removal of udev persistent rules from chroot_hacks to a hook,
that way it can be easily skipped if desired.
live-build (3.0~a29-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Using global version file rather than using copied information in
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Correcting path to VERSION file.
* Rename references of live-build.cgi to live-build-cgi
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Also guarding key additions for local configured archives to not
fail if no key is supplied.
live-build (3.0~a28-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Guarding archives handling with an additional check to prevent ugly
message about files not existing.
* Adding share/hooks to toplevel makefile so that it's included in the
test suite.
* Renaming cgi files within the sources to consistently use the name
* Removing some false-positive bashisms from live-build-cgi.
* Limiting test target to actual scripts in cron subdirectory.
* Since all (false positives for) bashisms are gone, making the test
target fail on bashisms.
live-build (3.0~a27-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Reverse keywords in suffix of the archive definition files for
* Reverse keywords in suffix of the package list files for
* Also using definition files without suffix (so that e.g. foo.list is
used for both chroot and binary stage).
* Removing left-over mentioning of lb_binary_local-hooks instead of
lb_binary_hooks in lb_binary.
live-build (3.0~a26-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Richard Nelson ]
* Update VERSION in common.sh to match last release.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Skipping binary_linux-image if no kernel was choosen to be installed
deliberately, thanks to Adam Conrad <adconrad at ubuntu.com>.
* Moving archives meta data arround in source tree.
* Correcting filename of live.debian.net archive file.
* Adding hook for calling update.mlocate, thanks to Colin Watson
<cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #627332).
* Adding hook for calling update-apt-xapian-index, thanks to Colin
Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #627716).
* Adding hook for removing gnome icon cache, thanks to Colin Watson
<cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #630088).
* Adding hook to remove python py files, thanks to Colin Watson
<cjwatson at ubuntu.com> (Closes: #631281).
* Using --no-check-gpg option when using debootstrap >= 1.0.30 and apt
secure is disabled, thanks to Eugenio Paolantonio <me at medesimo.eu>
(Closes: #633356).
* Also unmounting /run in lb_clean eventhough it's not really needed
anyway but let's be on the caucious side (Closes: #633052).
* Adding kubuntu mode in order to have different defadefault hooks
enabled for ubuntu and kubuntu (needed for #630088).
* Consolidating local hooks for chroot and binary into
* Numbering embedded hooks.
* Saving packages in cache even when failing or interrupting a build
(Closes: #586929).
* Enabling hooks based on the mode we're building for.
* Calling dpkg-divert with --quiet in chroot_dpkg.
* Correcting comments in chroot_hooks to match usage.
* Reworking binary hooks helper.
[ Cody A.W. Somerville ]
* Fixing corruption of usb binary images caused by trying to modify
flags in partition table when image is mounted with offset.
* Updating lb_binary_linux-image to only copy over kernel and initrd
if LB_LINUX_PACKAGES doesn't equal 'none'.
* Appending 'linux32' to LB_ROOT_COMMAND if 'uname -m' is x86_64 and
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating cron scripts.
* Compacting copyright file.
* Reworking debconf stuff of merging former live-autobuild-manual and
live-autobuild-images into a single live-build-cron.
* Avoid to hijack root-command with linux32, rather set use it in the
chroot function only.
* Adding a comment to the chroot calls in excludes handling of
binary_chroot whey the chroot function is not used.
[ Cody A.W. Somerville ]
* Setting partition flags in source_usb after creating the filesystem
in order to avoid bug in parted that makes them forget the flags.
* Adding function for more resilient detachment of loopback devices.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Calling mkdir with -p to avoid build failures with multiple kernels
on disk info in ubuntu mode, thanks to Cody A.W. Somerville
<cody.somerville at canonical.com>.
* Correcting uuid extraction from initrds in ubuntu mode to work from
within binary so that it is cleaned up by lb_clean on failed builds.
* Setting default compression levels to -6 for gzip, bzip, lzip and
lzma tarballs.
[ Cody A.W. Somerville ]
* Adding paths for remote debian-installer images on armel.
* Making config tree available to chroot hooks.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Updating derivatives handling for d-i mirror defaults to better
match the reality that by default, most derivatives are not going to
actually rebuild d-i.
* Adding mdadm manually to extra packages for binary pool for being
used by debian-installer (Closes: #607225).
* Add forgotten handling of already set chroot_hooks in defaults.
* Updating grub packages list in binary_debian-installer.
* Using 'live' rather than 'incomplete' for cd_type in .disk on images
that include debian-installer with live-installer udeb.
* Simplify bind mounting of the config tree during local hooks are run
by using read-only bind mounts.
* Removing unmaintained studio package lists.
* Correcting debconf variables.
* Updating TODO for live-build-cron.
* Correcting typo in lb_config for program variable, thanks to
intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>.
* Adding virtual-hdd in lb_config manpage as binary image type.
* Handle package-lists parameter for lb_config in live-build-cron-
images script for both lb version 2.x and 3.x.
* Setting default kernel flavours for armel to all available flavour
due to the nature of armel images (single rootfs image, multiple
kernel images).
* Removing debian-instaler-distribution selection from live-build-
cron-images for the time being.
[ Ben Armstrong ]
* Fixing/adding cross-references for live-boot and live-config.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Correcting cross-references to live-boot and live-config in
lb_config manpage.
* Adjusting check for target directory in live-build-cron scripts to
fail if non-directories are used, thanks to Ben Armstrong
<synrg at debian.org>.
[ intrigeri ]
* Cleaning up temporary directories at the same time as other cruft.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing -r from short options in lb_config (Closes: #636208).
* Adding hook to update apt-file cache (Closes: #636440).
* Renumbering hook files.
* Adding missing 'set -e' in remove-python-py.chroot hook.
* Correcting indentiation in hook defaults assignment.
live-build (3.0~a25-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Using updated kernel default flavours for sid also for wheezy.
* Adding live-manual to recommends.
* Adding initial live-build-cron package.
dcb4c3ff8f7bbf06ad8a1581046711385f01e2af 2132 live-build_3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.dsc
e03a0b9a555ce66c204bcca39272391f42ba4529 163548 live-build_3.0~a57.orig.tar.xz
09988398ed10794c9e2bc53683df9432f1bf1918 53584 live-build_3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
e77765e5977fa2b2daf8a87f5055e3cbaa0ae315beccdcb78620b3e8463f0337 2132 live-build_3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.dsc
4e77926cde531241fe14c3a987f27f307f757076346124a4f9bce7179f69262c 163548 live-build_3.0~a57.orig.tar.xz
8badccacfcb4a72e57dba87208aa38ef5d9d8361b9bec44345c68b6d8ac098c3 53584 live-build_3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
608a9448f11b0f1ed598f4139c37b131 2132 misc optional live-build_3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.dsc
27d539be33bf7dc70652d7aa39755ac9 163548 misc optional live-build_3.0~a57.orig.tar.xz
4fed20399b6cf58850092c4c675cfe69 53584 misc optional live-build_3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
Original-Maintainer: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org> -- Debian developer
More information about the Quantal-changes
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