[ubuntu/precise] nova 2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Chuck Short zulcss at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 13 09:00:22 UTC 2012

nova (2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  [Chuck Short]
  * New upstream version.
  * debian/nova_sudoers, debian/nova-common.install,
    Switch out to nova-rootwrap. (LP: #681774)
  * Add "get-origsource-git" which allows developers to
    generate a tarball from github, by doing:
    fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source-git
  * debian/debian/nova-objectstore.logrotate: Dont determine
    if we are running Debian or Ubuntu. (LP: #91379)

  [Adam Gandleman]
  * Removed python-nova.postinst, let dh_python2 generate instead since
    python-support is not a dependency. (LP: #907543)

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 09:51:10 +0100
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 09:51:10 +0100
Source: nova
Binary: python-nova nova-common nova-compute nova-compute-lxc nova-compute-uml nova-compute-xen nova-compute-kvm nova-scheduler nova-volume nova-ajax-console-proxy nova-vncproxy nova-api nova-network nova-objectstore nova-console nova-doc
Architecture: source
Version: 2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1
Distribution: precise
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Chuck Short <zulcss at ubuntu.com>
 nova-ajax-console-proxy - OpenStack Compute - AJAX console proxy
 nova-api   - OpenStack Compute - API frontend
 nova-common - OpenStack Compute - common files
 nova-compute - OpenStack Compute - compute node
 nova-compute-kvm - OpenStack Compute - compute node (KVM)
 nova-compute-lxc - OpenStack Compute - compute node (LXC)
 nova-compute-uml - OpenStack Compute - compute node (UserModeLinux)
 nova-compute-xen - OpenStack Compute - compute node (Xen)
 nova-console - OpenStack Compute - Console
 nova-doc   - OpenStack Compute - documetation
 nova-network - OpenStack Compute - Network manager
 nova-objectstore - OpenStack Compute - object store
 nova-scheduler - OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
 nova-vncproxy - OpenStack Compute - VNC proxy
 nova-volume - OpenStack Compute - storage
 python-nova - OpenStack Compute Python libraries
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 91379 681774 907543
 nova (2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
   [Chuck Short]
   * New upstream version.
   * debian/nova_sudoers, debian/nova-common.install,
     Switch out to nova-rootwrap. (LP: #681774)
   * Add "get-origsource-git" which allows developers to
     generate a tarball from github, by doing:
     fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source-git
   * debian/debian/nova-objectstore.logrotate: Dont determine
     if we are running Debian or Ubuntu. (LP: #91379)
   [Adam Gandleman]
   * Removed python-nova.postinst, let dh_python2 generate instead since
     python-support is not a dependency. (LP: #907543)
 f23b4b9b51d62176d4b89a427e435b3611da506b 2413 nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1.dsc
 e6590c7b5e864322746ee6666d086c92d2ae651e 4004098 nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049.orig.tar.gz
 a1470d520f80496492adad7af2f4f82c0badfd39 21205 nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 8aaf2a4ccb9ecb4bf1d51b967b74ca81b4600ea83e846c26094c7df061485827 2413 nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1.dsc
 038b8b03f8e937b338ef28267a1e53db8764ae7a465785a20ce8efcf455fa7f5 4004098 nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049.orig.tar.gz
 e719643449acf87dc28890a0f3f75f82ee74927b1e4df861b8bff05b702bb323 21205 nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
 852d315c0360e5f3e2042c1dade58bcb 2413 net extra nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1.dsc
 cb9dd0c725f8a5d4c1a5b03222ebef34 4004098 net extra nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049.orig.tar.gz
 5abe0fff43a890c02415ce560134f96d 21205 net extra nova_2012.1~e3~20120113.12049-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Openstack Maintainers <openstack at lists.launchpad.net>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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