[ubuntu/precise] checkbox 0.13.2 (Accepted)

Jeff Lane jeff at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 16 16:05:26 UTC 2012

checkbox (0.13.2) precise; urgency=low

  New upstream release (LP: #933090):

  [Jeff Lane]
  * Added a Hard Disk Stats Test that was part of a much older merge request
    for server test suite.
  * Modified apport-directory to provide feedback
  * Added new optical_write_test script and created appropriate jobs to refine
    optical drive testing
  * Created new resource job that creates an optical.{CD-R,DVD-R} resource to
    determine if a machine's optical drive supports writing or is read-only.
  * Added virt-check test to determine if a server will work as an OpenStack
    Compute Node.
  * Moved apport-directory changes from an old branch to checkbox where the
    job now resides.

  [Marc Tardif]
  * Removed trailing directories from the devpath of disk devices (LP: #925582)
  * Fixed awk regular expression in max_diskspace_used script (LP: #926312)
  * Implemented anonymous submissions to Launchpad with a dummy e-mail
  * Qt: Moved widgets around in Results window.
  * Changed options and arguments passed to show_tree method, and related UI
  * Simplified running checkbox-qt from source tree, by compiling if needed.
  * Added support for decimals and multiple partitions in max_diskspace_used.
  * Fixed reference to xrandr_detect_modes replaced by VESA_drivers_not_in_use.
  * Fixed depends in debian/control file for checkbox-qt.

  [Daniel Manrique]
  * Changed way of obtaining preferred browser to ensure we honor the user's
    preference rather than Chromium's clobbering of
    /etc/alternatives/gnome-www-browser (LP: #925603)
  * Added submission_path_prompt config variable; if set, it will be shown to
    the user before the test selection screen, and the value entered will
    override the default filename for the xml report.
  * plugins/suites_prompt.py: Fixed jobs being run despite being deselected.
  * Qt: Changed color of the step bubbles to Ubuntu Orange, and made it
  * Qt: View report functionality.
  * Qt: Set the runtime application icon.
  * Fixed typo in network/info.
  * Fixed typo in create_connection.

  [Brendan Donegan]
  * Changed checkbox-cli text to clearly explain what + does (LP: #926417)
  * Changed progress bar of Qt UI to standard rather than custom one,
    prettified tabs and updated Launchpad email text amongst other UI tweaks
    in qt/frontend/qtfront.ui
  * Fixed some oversights in the mediacard job files regarding test
    descriptions and card types.
  * Tweaked the memory_compare script a bit to make it easier to maintain.
  * Used regexes in default whitelist.

  [ Javier Collado ]
  * Removed job that installed ipmitool by default (LP: #931954)

  [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
  * Implementation of Qt frontend for checkbox.
  * Qt-related features and bugfixes:
  * Qt: Added welcome screen image and background color.
  * Qt: Removed maximize/restore button.
  * Qt: added select/deselect all popup menu.
  * Qt: Status screen
  * Qt: Antialiasing hint for step numbers and question mark.

  [Sylvain Pineau]
  * Tests will run in in order specified by the whitelist.
  * JobStore caches most of a job's attributes in memory to speed up sorting.

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 00:11:21 -0500
Changed-By: Jeff Lane <jeff at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.tl at gmail.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 00:11:21 -0500
Source: checkbox
Binary: checkbox checkbox-cli checkbox-urwid checkbox-gtk checkbox-qt
Architecture: source
Version: 0.13.2
Distribution: precise
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Jeff Lane <jeff at ubuntu.com>
 checkbox   - System testing application
 checkbox-cli - Command line interface for checkbox
 checkbox-gtk - GTK interface for checkbox
 checkbox-qt - QT4 interface for checkbox
 checkbox-urwid - Urwid interface for checkbox
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 925582 925603 926312 926417 931954 933090
 checkbox (0.13.2) precise; urgency=low
   New upstream release (LP: #933090):
   [Jeff Lane]
   * Added a Hard Disk Stats Test that was part of a much older merge request
     for server test suite.
   * Modified apport-directory to provide feedback
   * Added new optical_write_test script and created appropriate jobs to refine
     optical drive testing
   * Created new resource job that creates an optical.{CD-R,DVD-R} resource to
     determine if a machine's optical drive supports writing or is read-only.
   * Added virt-check test to determine if a server will work as an OpenStack
     Compute Node.
   * Moved apport-directory changes from an old branch to checkbox where the
     job now resides.
   [Marc Tardif]
   * Removed trailing directories from the devpath of disk devices (LP: #925582)
   * Fixed awk regular expression in max_diskspace_used script (LP: #926312)
   * Implemented anonymous submissions to Launchpad with a dummy e-mail
   * Qt: Moved widgets around in Results window.
   * Changed options and arguments passed to show_tree method, and related UI
   * Simplified running checkbox-qt from source tree, by compiling if needed.
   * Added support for decimals and multiple partitions in max_diskspace_used.
   * Fixed reference to xrandr_detect_modes replaced by VESA_drivers_not_in_use.
   * Fixed depends in debian/control file for checkbox-qt.
   [Daniel Manrique]
   * Changed way of obtaining preferred browser to ensure we honor the user's
     preference rather than Chromium's clobbering of
     /etc/alternatives/gnome-www-browser (LP: #925603)
   * Added submission_path_prompt config variable; if set, it will be shown to
     the user before the test selection screen, and the value entered will
     override the default filename for the xml report.
   * plugins/suites_prompt.py: Fixed jobs being run despite being deselected.
   * Qt: Changed color of the step bubbles to Ubuntu Orange, and made it
   * Qt: View report functionality.
   * Qt: Set the runtime application icon.
   * Fixed typo in network/info.
   * Fixed typo in create_connection.
   [Brendan Donegan]
   * Changed checkbox-cli text to clearly explain what + does (LP: #926417)
   * Changed progress bar of Qt UI to standard rather than custom one,
     prettified tabs and updated Launchpad email text amongst other UI tweaks
     in qt/frontend/qtfront.ui
   * Fixed some oversights in the mediacard job files regarding test
     descriptions and card types.
   * Tweaked the memory_compare script a bit to make it easier to maintain.
   * Used regexes in default whitelist.
   [ Javier Collado ]
   * Removed job that installed ipmitool by default (LP: #931954)
   [Tiago Salem Herrmann]
   * Implementation of Qt frontend for checkbox.
   * Qt-related features and bugfixes:
   * Qt: Added welcome screen image and background color.
   * Qt: Removed maximize/restore button.
   * Qt: added select/deselect all popup menu.
   * Qt: Status screen
   * Qt: Antialiasing hint for step numbers and question mark.
   [Sylvain Pineau]
   * Tests will run in in order specified by the whitelist.
   * JobStore caches most of a job's attributes in memory to speed up sorting.
 d9e1c2a65d966d2847170399fbc8743e8cb2b71a 1797 checkbox_0.13.2.dsc
 321b1051939006e586b6cc12e3a304b26660e838 3655711 checkbox_0.13.2.tar.gz
 76549cede59229b18a52f67311936b008c9912785b0daf3065bfe096de4d2a6f 1797 checkbox_0.13.2.dsc
 90e0d69c847d32e2576141f67d3ed45f55042b26a4212a105b9ea0caf4b81aef 3655711 checkbox_0.13.2.tar.gz
 440b008ccbe3b929c40f969f2a8cc59a 1797 utils optional checkbox_0.13.2.dsc
 781c0428d62edc8c0f0b86028531ffce 3655711 utils optional checkbox_0.13.2.tar.gz

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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