[ubuntu/oneiric] awn-extras 0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4 (Accepted)

Matthias Klose doko at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 6 16:15:19 UTC 2011

awn-extras (0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4) oneiric; urgency=low

  * Drop dependency on python-gweather, it's NBS and optional.

Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 18:01:11 +0200
Changed-By: Matthias Klose <doko at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
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Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 18:01:11 +0200
Source: awn-extras
Binary: awn-applet-awn-notification-daemon awn-applet-awn-system-monitor awn-applet-awnterm awn-applet-cairo-main-menu awn-applet-indicator awn-applet-related awn-applet-notification-area awn-applet-shinyswitcher awn-applet-showdesktop awn-applet-garbage awn-applet-digital-clock awn-applet-main-menu awn-applet-places awn-applet-sysmon awn-applet-webapplet awn-applet-animal-farm awn-applet-bandwidth-monitor awn-applet-battery-applet awn-applet-cairo-clock awn-applet-comics awn-applet-common-folder awn-applet-cpufreq awn-applet-dialect awn-applet-feeds awn-applet-file-browser-launcher awn-applet-hardware-sensors awn-applet-mail awn-applet-media-control awn-applet-media-player awn-applet-quit-applet awn-applet-stack awn-applet-thinkhdaps awn-applet-todo awn-applet-volume-control awn-applet-weather awn-applet-calendar awn-applet-media-icon-applet awn-applet-pandora awn-applet-slickswitcher awn-applet-tomboy-applet awn-applet-yama awn-applets-all python-awn-extras
Architecture: source
Version: 0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4
Distribution: oneiric
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Matthias Klose <doko at ubuntu.com>
 awn-applet-animal-farm - Various animals tell your fortune for Awn
 awn-applet-awn-notification-daemon - Libnotify notification daemon implementation for Awn
 awn-applet-awn-system-monitor - Display CPU activity and system stats on click in Awn
 awn-applet-awnterm - A pop-up terminal that lives in Awn
 awn-applet-bandwidth-monitor - Display information from network
 awn-applet-battery-applet - Display your computers current power status for Awn
 awn-applet-cairo-clock - Display an analog clock for Awn
 awn-applet-cairo-main-menu - Displays a menu in an Awn applet
 awn-applet-calendar - Display a clock and calendar on Awn
 awn-applet-comics - View your favourite comics on your desktop for Awn
 awn-applet-common-folder - Launcher for common folders and bookmarks for Awn
 awn-applet-cpufreq - Monitors and controls the CPU frequency for Awn
 awn-applet-dialect - Manages keyboard layouts for Awn
 awn-applet-digital-clock - A digital clock and calendar applet for Awn
 awn-applet-feeds - A Python feed launcher for Awn
 awn-applet-file-browser-launcher - Launches the user's file manager or opens bookmarks for Awn
 awn-applet-garbage - A trash applet for Awn, like the one from gnome-panel
 awn-applet-hardware-sensors - Displays information from sensors for Awn
 awn-applet-indicator - Display indicator applets in Awn
 awn-applet-mail - Check your mail from Awn
 awn-applet-main-menu - Display a list of all the applications on your computer
 awn-applet-media-control - Display album art and control your favorite media players for Awn
 awn-applet-media-icon-applet - Allow you to add media icons for Awn
 awn-applet-media-player - Play any media files you drop on it for Awn
 awn-applet-notification-area - Notification area for Awn
 awn-applet-pandora - Play Pandora internet radio for Awn
 awn-applet-places - Displays shortcuts in buttons for Awn
 awn-applet-quit-applet - A simple gnome-quit launcher for Awn
 awn-applet-related - Display information from zeitgeist
 awn-applet-shinyswitcher - A workspace switcher supporting compiz and other WMs for Awn
 awn-applet-showdesktop - An applet for Awn, similar to the showdesktop icon of gnome-panel
 awn-applet-slickswitcher - A visual workspace switcher for Awn
 awn-applet-stack - Provide a convenient location to place commonly used files for Aw
 awn-applet-sysmon - Display CPU activity and system stats on click for Awn
 awn-applet-thinkhdaps - Display the status of HDAPS for Awn
 awn-applet-todo - Manage a simple To-Do list for Awn
 awn-applet-tomboy-applet - Control Tomboy with D-Bus
 awn-applet-volume-control - A fancy volume changing applet for Awn
 awn-applet-weather - A applet to display weather information for Awn
 awn-applet-webapplet - Display a web page for Awn
 awn-applet-yama - Yet another menu applet for Awn
 awn-applets-all - Metapackage to install all applets for Awn
 awn-applets-common - A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator - common files
 awn-applets-dbg - Debug symbols for applets for avant-window-navigator
 python-awn-extras - Python bindings for avant-window-navigator's applets
 awn-extras (0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4) oneiric; urgency=low
   * Drop dependency on python-gweather, it's NBS and optional.
 154062e9dd12919ce075002015431c19305b23d5 2720 awn-extras_0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4.dsc
 d7f63a82aa72b706cdeb6534422f49f6ef6c031e 25551 awn-extras_0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4.debian.tar.gz
 86291f79150df7240a0b8b13758fd6c4cef9e582c48409d154e25bc6f09a3057 2720 awn-extras_0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4.dsc
 906782ca96519c9efc890904d29a7c9c91ab9686238a33e085a2f4714ba63261 25551 awn-extras_0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4.debian.tar.gz
 5368ef6263f4ad3e3122a9b8559ccf7b 2720 gnome optional awn-extras_0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4.dsc
 3ee497e014d8be0e65bfa83298b2bcb7 25551 gnome optional awn-extras_0.4.1~bzr1507-0ubuntu4.debian.tar.gz
Original-Maintainer: Julien Lavergne <julien.lavergne at gmail.com>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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