[ubuntu/natty] isc-dhcp 4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 9 19:15:45 GMT 2010

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low

  * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:
    - Deroot server (Debian #308832).
    - Send hostname to DHCP server by default (LP #10239, Debian #151820).
    - dhclient-onetry-call-clientscript.dpatch: Call 'dhclient-script FAIL'
      when failing to get an address also when operating in oneshot mode
      (-1).  This fixes avahi-autoipd invocation through dhcdbd.
    - dhcpd.conf-subnet-examples.dpatch: Give an example for subnet-mask in
    - dhclient-more-debug.dpatch: Show the requested/offered client IP in
      log output, for better debugging.
    - debian/dhclient-script.linux: Wait for /etc/resolv.conf to become
      writable; this isn't the case when ifup is called from an Upstart job
      triggered by udev (Ubuntu-specific until Debian uses this rule, too).
    - revert-next-server.dpatch: Revert the need of the next-server option
      in dhcpd.conf so it points to the own IP again for tftp if the option
      is not set (patch by Oliver Grawert; disputed upstream).
    - debian/isc-dhcp-server.init.d: Allow LTSP to override default
      configuration in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf.  Point that out in a header
      comment in debian/dhcpd.conf (Ubuntu-specific).
    - debian/isc-dhcp-server.config: Drop debconf question to medium
    - Enable build hardening.  Add hardening-wrapper build dependency
    - Add enforcing AppArmor profile for DHCP client and server.
    - Install apport hooks.
    - debian/dhclient-script.linux: Fix regression in host_name option
      handling, so that it's always honored when /etc/hostname is not set.
    - dhclient-fix-backoff.dpatch,
      dhclient-initial-random-delay-option.dpatch: Speed up DHCP negotiation
      (Debian #509089).
    - fix_exit_hook_doc_manpage.diff: Modify client/dhclient-script(8) to
      include information about the script directories
      /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d and /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d.
  * Drop preinst code to set AppArmor to complain mode on upgrades from very
    old Ubuntu releases, predating the last LTS.
  * Fix syntax errors in isc-dhcp-server apport hook.
  * Use dh_apport.
  * Make isc-dhcp-server depend on adduser for its postinst.
  * Fix configure test for ber_init to work correctly with 'ld
  * isc-dhcp-client Breaks: network-manager (<< 0.8.2~rc1), since earlier
    versions were patched in Ubuntu to hardcode assumptions for

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control: make isc-dhcp-client's dependency on iproute Linux-only
    (closes: #601154)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated Japanese debconf template translation (closes: #590239)
  * Updated Russian debconf template translation (closes: #591240)
  * Updated Swedish debconf template translation (closes: #592044)
  * Updated Spanish debconf template translation (closes: #592173)
  * Updated Galacian debconf template translation (closes: #592810)
  * Updated Czech debconf template translation (closes: #593228)
  * Updated Italian debconf template translation (closes: #593576)
  * debian/dhcp3-server.postinst: reinstate, remove obsolete init script
    (closes: #594527)
  * debian/dhcp3-relay.postinst: reinstate, remove obsolete init script
  * debian/control: make all of the transitional dummy packages Priority: extra
    and Section: oldlibs (closes: #594339)
  * debian/control: add iproute to dependencies of isc-dhcp-client
  * Updated Portugeuse debconf template translation (closes: #597143)
  * Added Danish debconf template translation (closes: #600748)
  * debian/control: bumped Standards-Version (no changes)
  * debian/control: added pkg-config to Build-Depends
  * Added patch from Simon McVittie to stop unnecessary linking with libcrypto
    (closes: #592361)
  * debian/control: added Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields
  * debian/README.source: made a more explicit mention of how the build works
  * Add debian/source/format (sticking with 1.0 for now)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-9) unstable; urgency=high

  * debian/control: really don't make the new packages conflict with the
    old/transitional packages (closes: #590186)
  * debian/control: rather than depend on the version of ifupdown that invokes
    dhclient correctly, conflict with older versions of ifupdown that do not
    (closes: #546883, #590092)
  * Updated Russian debconf template translation (closes: #589252)
  * Updated Swedish debconf template translation (closes: #589261)
  * Updated French debconf template translation (closes: #589492)
  * Updated German debconf template translation (closes: #589578)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/dhcp3-client.postrm: bring back to clean up cruft (closes: #588203)
  * debian/dhcp3-server.postrm: bring back to clean up cruft
  * Updated French debconf templates translation (closes: #588281)
  * debian/isc-dhcp-server.templates: corrected /etc/dhcp3 -> /etc/dhcp
  * debian/rules: correctly build LDAP-enabled DHCP server (closes: #574754)
  * debian/control: build-depend on autoconf and automake
  * debian/control: bump Standards-Version (no changes)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * The "There goes the neighbourhood" release
  * No changes rebuild to upload to unstable

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-6) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/rules: configure client to use correct path for DHCPv6 leases file
    (closes: #587884)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-5) experimental; urgency=low

  * split out the udeb dhclient-script so there's one for Linux and one for
    kFreeBSD (closes: #551054)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-4) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/rules: really enable DHCPv6 (closes: #587269)
  * debian/control: conflict with resolvconf <= 1.45 (closes: #586095)

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-3) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/rules: stop invoking dh_installinit with --noscripts so the
    update-rc.d stuff is done properly
  * debian/isc-dhcp-{relay,server}.{postinst,postrm}: remove calls to
    update-rc.d and invoke-rc.d, let dh_installinit handle it
  * debian/isc-dhcp-server.init.d: add a start-time dependency on $named
    (closes: #586035)
  * debian/{rules,isc-dhcp-server.{prerm,postinst}}: ignore failure to start
    the DHCP server

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/isc-dhcp-{server,relay}.init: go back to not mentioning any
    runlevels for Default-Stop
  * debian/isc-dhcp-server.postinst: don't specify any runlevels for stop
    scripts when invoking update-rc.d

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New Upstream Version
    - Fix for fencepost error on zero-length client identifier
    - CVE-2010-2156
    - VU#541921
  * debian/isc-dhcp-{server,relay}.init: adjust Default-Stop to match
    invocation of update-rc.d in postinst to avoid warning from update-rc.d

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-3) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/control: don't make the new packages conflict with the
    old/transitional packages

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/control: make dhcp3-* packages match what the override file says
  * debian/rules: DHCPv6 support builds now, stop disabling (closes: #549060)
  * debian/README.Debian: stop mentioning DHCPv6 is disabled

isc-dhcp (4.1.1-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New Upstream Version
  * Re-add LDAP patches
  * debian/control: bump Standards-Version (no changes)
  * debian/isc-dhcp-server.init.d: don't mention any runlevels for Default-Stop

isc-dhcp (4.1.0-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/README.Debian: update for current upstream version, specifically
    mention that DHCPv6 is disabled
  * debian/rules: provide a pointer to why DHCPv6 is disabled
  * Fix dhclient-script so that changes in the DHCP-provided hostname
    cause a hostname change to occur on the client
  * Remove unnecessary sleep from dhclient-script
  * Updated LDAP patch

isc-dhcp (4.1.0-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * The "throw everything out and start over" release
  * New upstream release
  * debian/control: drop 3 from the binary package names, adjust dependencies,
    maintainer scripts, accordingly
  * use debhelper more extensively, de-cruft debian/rules
  * remove dhcp-server preinst
  * add debug packages
  * add transitional packages
  * add debian/README.source
  * debian/control: bumped Standards-Version
  * debian/isc-dhcp-server.postinst: transfer existing config and lease files
    when upgrading from dhcp3-server
  * debian/isc-dhcp-client.postinst: transfer existing config file when
    upgrading from dhcp3-client
  * debian/changelog: added marker for legacy malformed changelog entry to
    placate Lintian
  * add a patch to correct groff warnings in man pages
  * add a patch to ignore checksums on the loopback interface
  * debian/control: make isc-dhcp-client depend on ifupdown that invokes
    /sbin/dhclient correctly

Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 17:40:49 +0000
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Signed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at canonical.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 17:40:49 +0000
Source: isc-dhcp
Binary: isc-dhcp-server isc-dhcp-server-dbg isc-dhcp-server-ldap isc-dhcp-common isc-dhcp-dev isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-client-dbg isc-dhcp-client-udeb isc-dhcp-relay isc-dhcp-relay-dbg dhcp3-server dhcp3-client dhcp3-relay dhcp3-common dhcp3-dev
Architecture: source
Version: 4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1
Distribution: natty
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
 dhcp3-client - ISC DHCP server (transitional package)
 dhcp3-common - ISC DHCP common files (transitional package)
 dhcp3-dev  - ISC DHCP development files (transitional package)
 dhcp3-relay - ISC DHCP relay (transitional package)
 dhcp3-server - ISC DHCP server (transitional package)
 isc-dhcp-client - ISC DHCP client
 isc-dhcp-client-dbg - ISC DHCP client (debugging symbols)
 isc-dhcp-client-udeb - ISC DHCP Client for debian-installer (udeb)
 isc-dhcp-common - common files used by all the isc-dhcp* packages
 isc-dhcp-dev - API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
 isc-dhcp-relay - ISC DHCP relay daemon
 isc-dhcp-relay-dbg - DHCP relay daemon (debugging symbols)
 isc-dhcp-server - ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment
 isc-dhcp-server-dbg - ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment (debug)
 isc-dhcp-server-ldap - DHCP server able to use LDAP as backend
Closes: 546883 549060 551054 574754 586035 586095 587269 587884 588203 588281 589252 589261 589492 589578 590092 590186 590239 591240 592044 592173 592361 592810 593228 593576 594339 594527 597143 600748 601154
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
   * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:
     - Deroot server (Debian #308832).
     - Send hostname to DHCP server by default (LP #10239, Debian #151820).
     - dhclient-onetry-call-clientscript.dpatch: Call 'dhclient-script FAIL'
       when failing to get an address also when operating in oneshot mode
       (-1).  This fixes avahi-autoipd invocation through dhcdbd.
     - dhcpd.conf-subnet-examples.dpatch: Give an example for subnet-mask in
     - dhclient-more-debug.dpatch: Show the requested/offered client IP in
       log output, for better debugging.
     - debian/dhclient-script.linux: Wait for /etc/resolv.conf to become
       writable; this isn't the case when ifup is called from an Upstart job
       triggered by udev (Ubuntu-specific until Debian uses this rule, too).
     - revert-next-server.dpatch: Revert the need of the next-server option
       in dhcpd.conf so it points to the own IP again for tftp if the option
       is not set (patch by Oliver Grawert; disputed upstream).
     - debian/isc-dhcp-server.init.d: Allow LTSP to override default
       configuration in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf.  Point that out in a header
       comment in debian/dhcpd.conf (Ubuntu-specific).
     - debian/isc-dhcp-server.config: Drop debconf question to medium
     - Enable build hardening.  Add hardening-wrapper build dependency
     - Add enforcing AppArmor profile for DHCP client and server.
     - Install apport hooks.
     - debian/dhclient-script.linux: Fix regression in host_name option
       handling, so that it's always honored when /etc/hostname is not set.
     - dhclient-fix-backoff.dpatch,
       dhclient-initial-random-delay-option.dpatch: Speed up DHCP negotiation
       (Debian #509089).
     - fix_exit_hook_doc_manpage.diff: Modify client/dhclient-script(8) to
       include information about the script directories
       /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d and /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d.
   * Drop preinst code to set AppArmor to complain mode on upgrades from very
     old Ubuntu releases, predating the last LTS.
   * Fix syntax errors in isc-dhcp-server apport hook.
   * Use dh_apport.
   * Make isc-dhcp-server depend on adduser for its postinst.
   * Fix configure test for ber_init to work correctly with 'ld
   * isc-dhcp-client Breaks: network-manager (<< 0.8.2~rc1), since earlier
     versions were patched in Ubuntu to hardcode assumptions for
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-11) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control: make isc-dhcp-client's dependency on iproute Linux-only
     (closes: #601154)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated Japanese debconf template translation (closes: #590239)
   * Updated Russian debconf template translation (closes: #591240)
   * Updated Swedish debconf template translation (closes: #592044)
   * Updated Spanish debconf template translation (closes: #592173)
   * Updated Galacian debconf template translation (closes: #592810)
   * Updated Czech debconf template translation (closes: #593228)
   * Updated Italian debconf template translation (closes: #593576)
   * debian/dhcp3-server.postinst: reinstate, remove obsolete init script
     (closes: #594527)
   * debian/dhcp3-relay.postinst: reinstate, remove obsolete init script
   * debian/control: make all of the transitional dummy packages Priority: extra
     and Section: oldlibs (closes: #594339)
   * debian/control: add iproute to dependencies of isc-dhcp-client
   * Updated Portugeuse debconf template translation (closes: #597143)
   * Added Danish debconf template translation (closes: #600748)
   * debian/control: bumped Standards-Version (no changes)
   * debian/control: added pkg-config to Build-Depends
   * Added patch from Simon McVittie to stop unnecessary linking with libcrypto
     (closes: #592361)
   * debian/control: added Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields
   * debian/README.source: made a more explicit mention of how the build works
   * Add debian/source/format (sticking with 1.0 for now)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-9) unstable; urgency=high
   * debian/control: really don't make the new packages conflict with the
     old/transitional packages (closes: #590186)
   * debian/control: rather than depend on the version of ifupdown that invokes
     dhclient correctly, conflict with older versions of ifupdown that do not
     (closes: #546883, #590092)
   * Updated Russian debconf template translation (closes: #589252)
   * Updated Swedish debconf template translation (closes: #589261)
   * Updated French debconf template translation (closes: #589492)
   * Updated German debconf template translation (closes: #589578)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/dhcp3-client.postrm: bring back to clean up cruft (closes: #588203)
   * debian/dhcp3-server.postrm: bring back to clean up cruft
   * Updated French debconf templates translation (closes: #588281)
   * debian/isc-dhcp-server.templates: corrected /etc/dhcp3 -> /etc/dhcp
   * debian/rules: correctly build LDAP-enabled DHCP server (closes: #574754)
   * debian/control: build-depend on autoconf and automake
   * debian/control: bump Standards-Version (no changes)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * The "There goes the neighbourhood" release
   * No changes rebuild to upload to unstable
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-6) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: configure client to use correct path for DHCPv6 leases file
     (closes: #587884)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-5) experimental; urgency=low
   * split out the udeb dhclient-script so there's one for Linux and one for
     kFreeBSD (closes: #551054)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-4) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: really enable DHCPv6 (closes: #587269)
   * debian/control: conflict with resolvconf <= 1.45 (closes: #586095)
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-3) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: stop invoking dh_installinit with --noscripts so the
     update-rc.d stuff is done properly
   * debian/isc-dhcp-{relay,server}.{postinst,postrm}: remove calls to
     update-rc.d and invoke-rc.d, let dh_installinit handle it
   * debian/isc-dhcp-server.init.d: add a start-time dependency on $named
     (closes: #586035)
   * debian/{rules,isc-dhcp-server.{prerm,postinst}}: ignore failure to start
     the DHCP server
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/isc-dhcp-{server,relay}.init: go back to not mentioning any
     runlevels for Default-Stop
   * debian/isc-dhcp-server.postinst: don't specify any runlevels for stop
     scripts when invoking update-rc.d
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-P1-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Version
     - Fix for fencepost error on zero-length client identifier
     - CVE-2010-2156
     - VU#541921
   * debian/isc-dhcp-{server,relay}.init: adjust Default-Stop to match
     invocation of update-rc.d in postinst to avoid warning from update-rc.d
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-3) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/control: don't make the new packages conflict with the
     old/transitional packages
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/control: make dhcp3-* packages match what the override file says
   * debian/rules: DHCPv6 support builds now, stop disabling (closes: #549060)
   * debian/README.Debian: stop mentioning DHCPv6 is disabled
 isc-dhcp (4.1.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Version
   * Re-add LDAP patches
   * debian/control: bump Standards-Version (no changes)
   * debian/isc-dhcp-server.init.d: don't mention any runlevels for Default-Stop
 isc-dhcp (4.1.0-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/README.Debian: update for current upstream version, specifically
     mention that DHCPv6 is disabled
   * debian/rules: provide a pointer to why DHCPv6 is disabled
   * Fix dhclient-script so that changes in the DHCP-provided hostname
     cause a hostname change to occur on the client
   * Remove unnecessary sleep from dhclient-script
   * Updated LDAP patch
 isc-dhcp (4.1.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * The "throw everything out and start over" release
   * New upstream release
   * debian/control: drop 3 from the binary package names, adjust dependencies,
     maintainer scripts, accordingly
   * use debhelper more extensively, de-cruft debian/rules
   * remove dhcp-server preinst
   * add debug packages
   * add transitional packages
   * add debian/README.source
   * debian/control: bumped Standards-Version
   * debian/isc-dhcp-server.postinst: transfer existing config and lease files
     when upgrading from dhcp3-server
   * debian/isc-dhcp-client.postinst: transfer existing config file when
     upgrading from dhcp3-client
   * debian/changelog: added marker for legacy malformed changelog entry to
     placate Lintian
   * add a patch to correct groff warnings in man pages
   * add a patch to ignore checksums on the loopback interface
   * debian/control: make isc-dhcp-client depend on ifupdown that invokes
     /sbin/dhclient correctly
 f13c849ecfbdae9b07e0575e01be7ffb6b202b68 2401 isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1.dsc
 e9e756df09502f6666cd79bdf0ab3af0f92b41b0 1085414 isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1.orig.tar.gz
 38009b1c85c9f105c163cbf4fab620a6ba58c83a 148844 isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1.diff.gz
 aef5b7670e144bd830e78e7672c6fd1b024f998f34cfb896784b791b8ce7d6a8 2401 isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1.dsc
 2f640350cbb1966ec3090198c3f128d649a3655f747f96ce910a477fe63263da 1085414 isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1.orig.tar.gz
 d61d07ba41dce391beac76dbe8a3de6f91f49ff759212f998aa402db67feadc2 148844 isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1.diff.gz
 30cde8f74e886387f017941554a2f68b 2401 net important isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1.dsc
 ee390a35687dd75dbfc32c856c0938d1 1085414 net important isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1.orig.tar.gz
 58ed0ea772eaf054b5606fe8d395d084 148844 net important isc-dhcp_4.1.1-P1-11ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Debian ISC DHCP maintainers <pkg-dhcp-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>

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