-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>Hash: SHA1<br><br>Dear MOTU Council,<br><br>Please accept this as my application to become a Master of the Universe.<br><br>My name is Iulian Udrea and am seventeen year old school boy. I like reading<br>
Computer/SF books, develop open source software, play chess and work on<br>Ubuntu development, of course.<br><br>I have been involved in Ubuntu development for about one year now. I first<br>started fixing .desktop files, write manual pages and working on bugs which<br>
had the bitesize tag. After a couple of months I dived more into Ubuntu<br>development and started to merge and sync packages with Debian and that<br>gave me the chance to become an Ubuntu Universe Contributor.<br><br>In the Intrepid cycle I spent most of my time on merging and syncing packages<br>
with Debian. I am the maintainer of 5 packages: dpkg-awk, git-cola, salasaga,<br>giver and gtkmm-utils. All of these packages are maintained in Debian, in a<br>GIT repository (<a href="http://git.debian.org">git.debian.org</a>), except gtkmm-utils.<br>
I am now focused on merging and syncing packages with Debian, review packages<br>on REVU, help and give feedback to people interested in Ubuntu development,<br>in the motu channel on IRC.<br>If I get the MOTU status it will obviously make my work easier. That being said<br>
I would like to get involved in the mentoring programme, helping people to<br>become more interested in Ubuntu development.<br><br>I've also done some QA uploads in Debian which helped me to understand better<br>the processes and how Debian works. In Debian I'm involved with the QA team,<br>
helping them to fix broken packages which don't have a maintainer and<br>identify the packages with inactive maintainers. I'm also interested in adopting<br>more packages and fixing them as well.<br><br>On the other hand I have participated in Ubuntu Developer Week (UDW) with the<br>
"Introduction to MOTU" session. There I talked about processes, how to get<br>involved, what you need in order to become a MOTU and answered all the<br>questions.<br>I have also ran a session about "Bug Triage" at the Ubuntu Open Week (UOW)<br>
with an awesome guy named Pedro Villavicencio.<br><br>I am CCing some of my sponsors and I would like to thank them for their great<br>help and feedback!<br><br>* Jonathan Patrick Davies (jpds)<br>* Daniel Holbach (dholbach)<br>
* Luca Falavigna (DktrKranz)<br>* Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)<br><br>My Launchpad profile: <a href="https://launchpad.net/people/iulian">https://launchpad.net/people/iulian</a><br><br>Thank you for considering my application,<br>
<br>Iulian Udrea<br><br>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)<br><br>iEYEARECAAYFAkklgToACgkQWLKfjPdOxsglcwCgsGSzW8PDzkr4rVfC6NKd31IB<br>8PcAoMlI+4nbk6Oi2H986nTS6UETCo+M<br>=UL6G<br>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>