PPU rights for xserver-xorg-video-geode; still pending after 6 months?!

Emmet Hikory persia at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 25 07:31:53 GMT 2010

Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> Trying to upload a fix for xserver-xorg-video-geode again today, I
> notice that this issue still isn't fixed.
> Could someone at least acknowledge this message and tell me what's the
> situation?

    We've just convened new membership in the Developer Membership
Board, with our first meeting 2nd February.  It is likely that your
application will be considered at either this meeting or the next
(16th fFebruary).  I've made sure it appears on the agenda for the
next meeting, but I can't promise that we'll manage to complete the
entire agenda.


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