reapplication for MOTU/Core-Dev

Steve Stalcup vorian at
Thu May 21 15:17:39 BST 2009

Hello All,

I have spent the past few months in a cool off period at the conclusion of the 
Techboard Meeting in which I promptly left and subsequently quit almost every 
team I was on.

I sincerely apologize for reacting the way I did.

I also appreciate those of you who reached out to me after this to offer 
support and advice.

Like I mentioned to Colin, I would still like to pursue the path I was on to 
reach Core-Dev.  

Having also quit the MOTU team, I need to ask what the Council would like to 
see me do to regain MOTU membership.

I can assure you this action, or anything similar, will not happen again.
It was a very frustrating week, and I hope that I can find forgiveness for 
quitting.  It is my hope that the work I have done in development, the length 
of time I have contributed to the community, and the variety of contributions 
I have made will all be taken into account.

Steve Stalcup
vorian at
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