MOTU Application for Guillaume Martres (smarter)

Guillaume Martres smarter3 at
Tue Sep 23 17:49:04 BST 2008

On Tuesday 23 September 2008 17:10:04 you wrote:
> Guillaume Martres <smarter3 at> writes:
> > I'm a big fan of cdbs and the use of vcs for packaging[2], but that's
> > probably because we only use that in Medibuntu ;)
> > [...]
> > I'll be glad to answer any question you have.
> A perhaps a bit biased question, but since you are a medibuntu
> developer, can you perhaps describe the collaboration between the
> medibuntu and the motumedia team?
AFAIK, there's not a lot of collaboration between the two teams. When we get 
bug reports, we ask the reporter to try with the ubuntu package and if he can 
reproduces it, we add ubuntu to the bug report in Launchpad. This could 
certainly be improved.
> As an example, did you notice the shlibs change in the ffmpeg package?
> Do you have plans to make actual use of it?
I didn't notice it, but I'm not the principal maintainer of ffmpeg in 
Medibuntu. After talking with mr_pouit, it appears that you're referring to 
the dependencies on the *-unstripped-* packages. We didn't use that since 
there was a possibility that Ubuntu would use it, but we're open to any 
> Did you have consider talking/working together with the ~motumedia
> and/or the pkg-multimedia team on alioth? If not, why?
We would be happy to work with ~motumedia, and we've already shared some 
patches with debian-multimedia, but there doesn't seem an easy way to get in 
touch with you. Do you have an IRC channel and/or a mailing-list? As for pkg-
multimedia, I don't think there's a lot of things we could share.

Guillaume Martres -

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