Universe Contributors Application for Michael Casadevall (NCommander/sonicmctails)

Nicolas Valcárcel nvalcarcel at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 5 06:30:54 BST 2008

Clear and big +1 from me, Michael has not only demonstrated his interest
in the ubuntu project and community, but also good and strong technical
skills. He will be an awesome addition to the team.

On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 23:33 -0500, Nathan Handler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Michael Casadevall  wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > To the MOTU Council,
> >
> > I'm writing today to apply for Ubuntu Universe Contributor's status,
> > I've been involved in the Ubuntu community for a little under two
> > months, and have been working on handing mostly FTBFS fixes, the
> > gnat-4.2 Hardy transition, Launchpad integration with REVU, Hardy
> > backports, Ubuntuwire, archive rebuilds, Xubuntu Xfce snapshot
> > packaging and seed management, GNOME updates, KDE portability fixes,
> > and general packaging tasks. My intent is not to brag, but simply to
> > list that I don't work in one specific section, but I act as a jack of
> > all trades, being able to do any task that is needed to help improve
> > Ubuntu.
> >
> > Anyway, I'm an active Xubuntu developer, and I've done some work in
> > packaging the current set of Xfce snapshots which will become the
> > basis of future releases, and I am a REVU hacker and administrator,
> > having given it most of its current look and feel (for better or
> > worse), and modifying it to support on-demand key syncing removing the
> > need for the REVU uploaders group, and having single signon between
> > REVU and Launchpad via OpenID. I'm a backport tester, and I have done
> > some work in lighting up the current backport queues by testing them
> > all in bulk.
> >
> > I'm a Debian New Maitaniner (P&P is completed, T&S is half done,
> > waiting on T&S2), and I'm active on the Debian m68k port as a release
> > manager for our unoffical lenny m68k release on Debian Ports, and I
> > maintain two packages in Debian, with two more in the NEW queue
> > (code::blocks, and pangomm, the former accepted in intrepid, and the
> > later in the NEW queue).
> >
> > As for the future of Ubuntu, I've been interested in doing porting and
> > security work for Ubuntu, and I have a strange dream to port Ubuntu to
> > the Motorola 680x0, but at the moment, its just a dream, with no
> > serious intent. I do wish to see Ubuntu's ports extended to the full
> > range of Debian architectures, and even beyond that, such as SH4 or
> > m32r.
> >
> > My Launchpad Page: https://edge.launchpad.net/~sonicmctails
> > My Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichaelCasadevall
> >
> > I've notified some of my major sponsors:
> >
> > Scott Kitterman (ScottK)
> > Steve Kowalik (StevenK)
> > Cody Somerville (cody-somerville)
> > Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
> > Luca Falavigna (dktrkranz)
> > Kees Cook (kees)
> > Nathan Handler (nhandler)
> >
> > Michael
> >
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> > Comment: http://getfiregpg.org
> >
> > iEYEARECAAYFAkjArLgACgkQpblTBJ2i2ps5WgCeK3tjZTxei8ItMdlvQcEXUFHe
> > /vwAn2fIpledEQAM/fX7LYY1zNZCK7US
> > =TezD
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >
> Although I have not sponsored any of Michael's patches, I have worked
> with him many times on IRC. He is kind, courteous, and always willing
> to help other people. Michael has contributed to Ubuntu in a wide
> range of areas, and he has my full support for becoming a UCD.
> Keep up the good work,
> Nathan Handler
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: http://getfiregpg.org
> zdUAn0Ruy9fab1u15NkdJc4EPichmdCf
> =ijwL

aka nxvl
Key fingerprint = BCE4 27A0 D03E 55DE DA2D  BE06 891D 8DEE 6545 97FE
gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 654597FE

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