motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Wed Sep 3 16:10:52 BST 2008

Soren Hansen <soren at> writes:

> Each individual MOTU has the right to upload any package in universe.
> However, there's no precedent for upload duels, and doing an upload that
> reverts the changes of fellow MOTU would be considered very bad manners
> indeed.

There have been reverts of changes in the past. What's exceptionally new
in this case here is that the opinion of a fellow ubuntu developer was
ignored and the discussion was prematurely aborted by uploading a change
with previously expressed concerns and withtout admitting this fact in
the clarification after the revert.

> If a situation arises where someone feels this is necessary, I'd
> expect them to raise the issue with the proper bodies of authority.
> This is *not* what happened in this situation. 

So you would have preferred to escalate this to the technical board,
because you feel that they are the proper body of authority for this

Anyways, I would have expected from the motu-release team to ensure
maintaining some degree of quality in universe, which includes making
technical decision. This is of course a personal impression and I agree
with you that we could and perhaps should make this more explicit by
e.g. improving the team's description on launchpad.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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