motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at
Mon Sep 1 18:56:46 BST 2008

On 01/09/08 at 12:21 -0400, Mathias Gug wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to appeal against motu-release decision to revert the
> libgem-ruby upload 1.3.0~RC1really1.2.0-2ubuntu2 based on the following
> reasons:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 11:39:52PM +0200, Stefan Potyra wrote:
> > 
> > first off, this was not an easy decision. It didn't happen so far yet, that 
> > motu-release had to decide if an upload should indeed get reverted, and hence 
> > this decision was done only with consent among all motu-release members. The 
> > key factor in regards to this decision was if this upload does work towards 
> > making an improvement in regards to the intrepid-release, or if it did in fact 
> > result in the opposite, hence making it unfit for release.
> > 
> Let me reiterate what the upload was trying to achieve. As outlined in
> [1]:
>   Providing binaries shipped by gems on the default path.
>   In hardy, the end user using a gem (let's say the rails gem) would
>   have to do the following things:
>   1. sudo apt-get install rubygems
>   2. sudo gem install rails
>   3. Modify the default PATH in the environment to include
>   /var/lib/gems/1.X/bin/ so that the rails command can be invoked from the
>   command line.
>   The upload aims at removing step number 3 from the process by symlinking
>   the gem binary from /var/lib/gems/1.X/bin/ into /usr/local/bin/.

The following one-liner installs all gems binaries to /usr/local/bin instead of
/var/lib/gems/1.X/bin. It doesn't use update-alternatives, so the last
installed gem wins (which might be less confusing to our users).

--- a/debian/patches/01_default_gem_path.dpatch
+++ b/debian/patches/01_default_gem_path.dpatch
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 ## DP: Changes the default gem dir from inside the ruby lib to /var/lib/gems/{ruby version}
-diff -urNad trunk~/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb trunk/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb
---- trunk~/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb    2008-03-09 12:42:07.000000000 +0900
-+++ trunk/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb     2008-05-10 16:07:33.000000000 +0900
+diff -urNad libgems-ruby-1.2.0~/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb libgems-ruby-1.2.0/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb
+--- libgems-ruby-1.2.0~/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb       2008-09-01 19:48:51.000000000 +0200
++++ libgems-ruby-1.2.0/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb        2008-09-01 19:49:00.000000000 +0200
 @@ -7,16 +7,14 @@
    # Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is not
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ diff -urNad trunk~/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb trunk/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb
 -    else # generic install
 -      ConfigMap[:bindir]
 -    end
-+    File.join('/', 'var', 'lib', 'gems', ConfigMap[:ruby_version], 'bin')
++    '/usr/local/bin'
    # The default system-wide source info cache directory.

It applies to version 1.2.0-2, and you probably want to apply it to 1.2.0-3 currently in Debian.

Disclaimer: I didn't test it very carefully.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at |
| jabber: lucas at             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
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