MOTU Application for Onkar Shinde (slytherin)

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sun Nov 16 15:20:36 GMT 2008

On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:39:08 +0530 "Onkar Shinde" <onkarshinde at> 
>My name is Onkar Shinde [1][2]. Please consider my application to
>become a member of MOTU team.
>I have been a UUC for little over three months. My main work in
>Intrepid development cycle has been related to java
>applications/libraries. This involved fixing various FTBFS, some
>merges/syncs, moving packages to universe and some major packaging
>work like 'batik' and 'electric'.
>From time to time I have tried to keep Debian and Ubuntu in sync.[3][4][5][6]
>Also I have tried to port/forward the fixes we do in Ubuntu to Debian
>as appropriate.[7][8] One of the major work in this area has been
>putting 'electric', which was updated in Ubuntu, back into pkg-java
>svn.[9] I plan to continue working in this area.
>Plans as MOTU:
>1. Improve the state of java packages, keep them well maintained and
>improve collaboration between Debain and Ubuntu on java front.
>2. Optimization of java stack, specifically reducing duplication in 
>3. Packaging more applications/libraries that will make a java developer 
>4. Get more involved in package reviews and developer sessions.
>Plans for Jaunty cycle:
>1. Kill sun-java5-*. Since we already have Sun's Java 6 ("the perfect
>java") and OpenJDK ("not so perfect java") there is no point keeping
>Java 5. This will involve fixing packages that have hard build/runtime
>dependencies on java 5 packages. The task is simplified by the fact
>that Debian is already moving many packages to OpenJDK.
>2. Some important updates/additions like struts, jsf, jmeter if possible.
>3. Help Thierry Carrez with his maven plan.
I've seen you very active in Java related packages.  What is your 
experience with other types of packages?  Do you have plans in other areas?

Scott K

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