Core Developer Application for Richard Johnson (nixternal)

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Fri May 23 21:23:05 BST 2008

Hello everyone!

Please accept this email as my application to become an Ubuntu Core Developer. 
My wiki [1] and launchpad [2] pages provide further information about who I am 
and what I have done to date in the community, as well as my future plans 
within the community and as a core developer.

I have CC'd my sponsors, the great people who have helped guide me over the past 
3 years in this wonderful community, who have been kind enough to upload any 
and all work that I have done pertaining to the main repository. In no 
particular order, they are:
 * Jonathan Riddell
 * Sarah Hobbs
 * Brandon Holtsclaw
 * Anthony Mercatante
 * Scott Kitterman
 * Daniel T. Chen

If I have forgotten somebody that has helped me with a main package (possibly 
Kees Cook on some security fixes a year or so back, can't remember what it was 
on though), please feel free to speak up if you happen to read this application 

My number one interest in this community is obviously Kubuntu development (you 
could probably tell that by a majority of my sponsors). My number one goal has 
always been to make Kubuntu the best KDE based distribution available. My new 
goal has been to help remove this status the community has placed on Kubuntu as 
a second class citizen. Unlike those people I do not feel this, but obviously 
they do, so anything I can do to help, I will. With the latest release of KDE, 
KDE 4.x, we have been working out of the universe repositories. With the last 
release of KDE 4.0.4, I updated each and every KDE 4 package available. With 
Intrepid, KDE 4 will be going into the main repository, and I would like to be 
able to easily contribute and upload changes necessary to the advancement of 
our goals.

Besides KDE, other applications I have worked on that are in the main repository 
include, but are not limited to:
 * Kvkbd - virtual on-screen keyboard for KDE (current maintainer)
 * Qt
 * PyQt & PyKDE
 * Ubuntu and Kubuntu documentation

My future plans are always open, but I would like to venture into the other side 
of the desktop world and start working towards better desktop integration 
between the Gnome and KDE environments. As I type this, Trolltech is currently 
working on a library that will help in the advancement of desktop integration 
for Gnome users who tend to use KDE/Qt based applications. This is the type of 
stuff I really enjoy seeing in the free software community, and has become and 
interest to me as of late.

My current involvement in the community may seem stretched thin to some, but 
with my employment and student status, I have had quite a bit of free time on 
my hands, which I have mostly contributed to Ubuntu/Kubuntu and KDE. I am 
currently a member of the Kubuntu Council, MOTU Council, and the Regional 
Membership Board for the Americas. Other projects I work on include 
Ubuntu/Kubuntu documentation, LoCo/Community, and various other upstream 

One thing I am frequently asked is if I get paid to work on Ubuntu. My answer is 
always yes. It may not be in cash, but it has been something better. I have 
made many wonderful friends over these past few years and I am graced with my 
favorite Linux distributions absolutely free! I love this community and what it 
has done for me and everyone else. To become a member of the core development 
family means that I will have the opportunity to potentially help the many 
users of our great operating system.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to many more wonderful 
years in this community, helping to make Ubuntu and its community remain number 
one! Thanks!

[1] (CoreDev link at top of page for 
more info)

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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