Re-apply for MOTU membership [Zhengpeng Hou, aka freeflying]

Emmet Hikory persia at
Wed May 21 18:11:42 BST 2008

Zhengpeng Hou wrote:
> I've found I'm not a MOTU now, because of I'm busy with my real life
> job, so I haven't contribute
> too much in last release cycle. And now I hope I can do much more than
> in last release cycle.
> so how shall I do to get the MOTU member ship again?

    If your MOTUship has expired, and you need it restored, you email
the MOTU Council, answer any questions, and collect the requisite
number of votes, at which time you are restored to the team.
Alternately put, you've already started the process.

    So, would you mind sharing a quick summary of your plans and goals
for intrepid?


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