MC 'Call' minutes for 14th May 2008

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Wed May 14 15:29:23 BST 2008

Agenda Items:
    Open applications: Steve Stalcup, Pedro Fragoso, Emanuele Gentili,
Stefan Potyra
    Existing discussion of ubuntu-bugs@ thread regarding use of Malone
for workflow bugs highlighted for focus at UDS
    Review of updated MC reporting practices (?TeamReport + Email report)

    For those who prefer wiki reference to mailing list archive
reference, the MC Call minutes are now also posted on the MC
TeamReport wiki page (1).  It is likely that some archive for future
reference will be established, although specifics are not yet
determined.  This page will also show summary listings for application
processing or other decisions taken by MOTU Council.


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