My application for "Ubuntu Universe Contributors"

Stephan Hermann sh at
Wed May 7 19:24:51 BST 2008

Dear Emanuele, hi MC,

On Wed, 07 May 2008 16:07:03 +0200
Emanuele Gentili <emgent at> wrote:

> [...] 

I reviewed many security updates for older releases from Emanuele and
he provided very good and solid work.
Packages, which needed to be fixed in latest devel release, I reviewed
and sponsored, the last packages even not-reviewed, because I trusted
his work.

Emanuele works hard and is committed to the Ubuntu MOTU Team and
especially towards the ubuntu security teams. His work is awesome, and
reading the history of his fixes towards packages in older releases,
it's really fantastic.

When he applied for the first time for MOTUship, his application was
declined. But seeing his commitment, his knowledge regarding security,
I'm convinced that it doesn't take long that he will to join the ring
of uploaders.

Security work is not like the normal merge/sync work we are doing. In
development releases, you can screw things up, and you fix it later.
But security work means, to provide a rock-solid package without any
flaws. Providing a broken package, it's bad and will harm thousands of
people, even more.
So, since Emanuele is working on security stuff I can sleep much
better. And I'm convinced, that Emanuele doing work on our current
development release will give us more power to fulfill our tasks during
the next 6 months.

I'm happy to know, that Emanuele was invited to the next UDS, and even
he wasn't convinced that he should go, I told him to meet the people he
has to work with inside our team. IMHO he will dive deeper into the
strange world of Ubuntu, and hopefully you will welcome him heartly in
the inner ring. 

Emanuele is a good guy and I will put my hand in a fire for him.

This +1 comes from the heart and from my mind. I do trust this young
man, and I know he is a good add to our team in general.

Emanuele, a big "Thank you" for your work on Ubuntu. Without your
energy and involvement, older releases won't look so good and I know
that upcoming releases will even look much better, knowing you have
your hands on the packages.

Now get rolling with intrepid, I'll rock too :)


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