MOTU Council meeting minutes, 30th April

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Thu May 1 12:43:55 BST 2008

Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Thu, 1 May 2008 00:06:52 +0900 "Emmet Hikory" <persia at> wrote:
>  > * Need to rename the ~universe-hackers team to ~universe-contributors
>  >in line with recent MOTU Meeting decision (1)
>  >
>  What MC decision is needed for this?  Since MOTU decided this at it's last
>  meeting, what more is needed than somone with than someone with the needed
>  LP foo to do it?

    As Richard wrote, this is not an indication of decision, but only
of an open task.  More gerneally, unless there are specific decisions
pending on the MOTU Council, the meetings tend to be a review of open
action items, discussion for any for which the path is unclear, and
assignment for completion.  In large part, these meetings are
conducted to ensure that pending MC work is appropriately assigned,
and to provide reporting on the issues that are currently being
addressed to better inform the community.

    While no quorum was reached at the meeting, and the task left
unassigned, I'll be processing the name change within the hour, and
the team should be available for use.


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