Application for Contributing Developer

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Thu May 1 02:23:52 BST 2008

On Wednesday 30 April 2008, Emmet Hikory wrote:
|     Apologies for the long delay in responding to this application.
| As the remaining process issues are now resolved, could the sponsors
| please provide feedback?

My apologies for not replying sooner as I was awaiting for the process to be 
made official.  With that said:

I have worked or reviewed a majority of Steve's packages and I just say he is a 
very quick learner. He has made some minor mistakes but learns from those 
mistakes very quickly. I watched him go from "what's this and what's that" to 
actually teaching me something new that I hadn't caught sooner. I have no doubt 
that Steve will be ready for full-time MOTU work within the next few months and 
with that I am very happy to give him a +1.

Keep on rockin' Steve, and I promise we (apachelogger, jpatrick, and I) will get 
you to MOTU status before any major freezes in Intrepid :)

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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