Re-apply for MOTU membership [Zhengpeng Hou, aka freeflying]

Michael Bienia michael at
Tue Jun 10 14:48:09 BST 2008

On 2008-06-10 16:53:30 +0800, ZhengPeng Hou wrote:
> I would like to re-apply for the motu, and in next release cycle and
> future, I would like to do something focus on below:
> 1 take care those packages I've maintained.
> 2 go on working for the CJK support.
> 3 Bug fix, mainly relate to KDE stuffs.
> 4 Share with others what I have experienced doing package maintain
> job.
> 5 I would like to be sponsor if I can re-gain the MOTU ship :)
> above are the brief of my goal in next release cycle.

+1 from me too. It's good to keep active MOTUs around.

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