Ubuntu Contributing Developer Application for Nathan Handler (nhandler)

Cesare Tirabassi norsetto at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 10 07:36:14 BST 2008

On Thursday 10 July 2008 01:56:29 Nathan Handler wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Nathan Handler (nhandler) [1][2]. Please consider this my
> application to become an Ubuntu Contributing Developer.

I have sponsored some uploads from Nathan, not many but enough to recognise 
that Nathan is indeed a worthy contributor.

From those uploads and for what I can see of his work, Nathan is an eager and 
responsible person, quick to learn and willing to pass on the knowledge he 
acquires, he recognises when he makes a mistake and is quick in correcting 
it, asks for help when its needed, help others when he can.
He is also very cooperative with upstream and Debian, passing patches when 

I'm completely happy to have him as a contributor.


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