Motu application for Emanuele Gentili (emgent)

Cody A.W. Somerville cody-somerville at
Wed Jul 2 07:30:28 BST 2008


On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Emanuele Gentili <emgent at> wrote:

> Please consider this my application to become an Ubuntu Motu.


> My primary focus is providing security updates for packages in Universe and
> some in
> main but i work too in Ubuntu/Canonical infra (auditing), I examined REVU,
> launchpad,
> Soyuz, and, and I found more security issue,
> now fixed [6].
> Also i wrote Anteater[7] a python tool for manage Ubuntu White Hat report
> with launchpad.
> More info about me available here:
> <><


> _Future_
> I'd like became motu for work direcly in Universe for upload my security
> and non-security fix and maintain packages.
> Also I`d like to join ubuntu-universe-sponsor and ubuntu-backporters for
> help in this team to sponsor and backport requested packages.
> I will continue to work in security branch (ubuntu whitehat, motu swat) for
> try to close the impossible bug #208413.


> --
> Emanuele Gentili            | Ubuntu Security Group
> emgent at           |<>
> Key fingerprint: F4B7 0793 069A 217E BB9F 8925 E0AC 34C2 2201 1E9A
> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 22011E9A

I can't speak for this application (as I've not really worked with Emanuele
although I found him very receptive on the lone occasion in which I have)
but regardless if he becomes a MOTU or not I'd love to see him take an
initiative to educate (hopefully soon to be fellow) MOTU, MOTU-contributors,
MOTU-hopefuls, and the general Ubuntu public about security and
security-related concerns for both technical and not-so-technical interests.
I know that if if he were to append such ambitions to his future plans, it
would strengthen my personal desire to see him become MOTU.

Emanuele: Best of luck and I hope to see you leading some classroom sessions
soon. If you ever have a second, I'd also love to have a quick chit-chat
with you to get some tips on how to help make sure Xubuntu stays nice and
secure :)


Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Engineer
Red Cow Marketing & Technologies, Inc.
Office: 506-458-1290
Toll Free: 1-877-733-2699
Fax: 506-453-9112
Cell: 506-449-5899
Email: cody at
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