MOTU application for Matvey Kozhev (Sikon)

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Mon Jan 14 22:28:12 GMT 2008

On Jan 15, 2008 4:30 AM, Matvey Kozhev wrote:
> I'm seeking MOTUship to more effectively maintain my packages, without bugging
> sponsors for every change no matter how minor, as well as to avoid "I am not
> a MOTU" disclaimers when giving advice on #ubuntu-motu.

    I've been impressed with the thought behind Matvey's efforts since
I first encountered his work with the libgpod transition in gutsy (not
shown on +packages as additional changes were required for upload).
He also works very well with Debian Multimedia, and has been a force
for improvement in those packages.  Her is consistently active and
helpful in #ubuntu-motu and in bug management for packages of

    On the other hand, I still encounter small issues when reviewing
some of his work (which are usually immediately fixed), and think that
a little more practice might be beneficial prior to joining MOTU
(although not too much: it's really close).

    Regarding the "I am not a MOTU" disclaimer: all the recent IRC
advice I have seen has been correct.  Additionally, there are usually
several MOTUs active in-channel who would provide correction in the
case of a mistake.  Feel free to not include this disclaimer except in
cases where you must (e.g. explaining why you are not commenting on
REVU) or you are unsure and specifically wish review or oversight.


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