core-dev application - Bryce Harrington

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Mon Feb 25 08:35:48 GMT 2008

Hi MOTU council,

Bryce Harrington [2008-02-20 17:52 -0800]:
> I'd appreciate consideration for joining the Ubuntu core-dev team.

It's been a while since I sponsored package uploads for Bryce, since
nowadays Timo seems to do all this. Back then, his uploads were
technically correct and considerate.

Since then, Bryce has shown great work on packages, specifications, and
bug triage. I can vouch that he knows the Ubuntu release cycle, the various
policies for freezes, and shows the necessary commitment.

I would welcome to see him become a core-dev. (In fact I'm surprised that he
isn't already.)


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

My 5 today: #137584 (sane-backends), #99879 (libgphoto2), #129825 (hal),
#180364 (ocamlnet, pkg-create-dbgsym), #177570 (gnome-power-manager, hal)
Do 5 a day - every day!
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