MC Call Minutes, Feb 13th

Jordan Mantha mantha at
Thu Feb 14 04:39:06 GMT 2008

Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Agenda Items:
>  - MC doing ubuntumembers applications: Emmet Hikory raised a question
> that Jordan Mantha asked him: Does the MC do 'ubuntumembers'
> applications too? There was a murmur of agreement on the idea to
> recognise good work of new contributors by giving them 'ubuntumembers'
> status before approving them for 'motu' membership. Emmet agreed to
> think about it some more and raise it with the Community Council.

My thoughts are twofold on this issue:
1. There's really not much of a reason to not make Ubuntu Membership a
requirement of MOTUship. The criteria for membership is "significant and
sustained contribution to Ubuntu". If an applicant can't meet that then
IMO they shouldn't be applying for MOTUship. On a technical level
historically MOTUship has required 3 things, 1) signing of the CoC 2) a
signed gpg key and 3) Ubuntu Membership. I personally think all three of
these should be upheld by the MOTU Council and would appreciate some
statement about it, just for the record so everybody is clear. Worst
case scenario, the MC give simultaneous Membership and MOTUship, but
it'd be nice to have people do Membership say around half-way towards

2. Having the MOTU Council giving Ubuntu Membership as a stepping stone
towards MOTUship is a good way to recognize those contributors who have
contributed to Universe and have achieved a sort of "apprentice" status
that is between "packaging newb" and MOTU. I'm feeling like we are
needing a way to recognize the great work that a lot of contributors are
doing, without feeling like we need to give them MOTUship just yet
either. It also gives the MC a chance to "look over" the person before
getting to a MOTU application.

So 1) is just something I think would be worth clarifying and 2) is an
added benefit to actually being able to grant Membership.


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