MOTU re-application for Matvey Kozhev (Sikon)

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Wed Feb 13 14:44:22 GMT 2008

On Sunday 03 February 2008, Sikon wrote:
| After discussion with Emmet Hikory, who had doubts about me the first time,
| he has agreed that I can re-apply.
| Web archive of the previous application:
| Since the last time, besides updating packages, I have also been reviewing
| packages on REVU, and there have been cases when the uploaders fixed all
| problems I pointed out, and I had to tell them that I can only review but
| not advocate.


I am sorry for not responding sooner to this. I have seen Matvey around for a 
while and from the sound of his sponsors as well as Daniel and Emmet, he is 
ready to become a MOTU. So with that said...

+1 from me.

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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