ubuntu-core-dev application

Soren Hansen soren at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 5 15:12:45 GMT 2008

On Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 03:46:38PM +0100, Daniel Holbach wrote:
>> Tim: is there anything (maybe packaging- or buildsystem-related)
>> you're particularly proud of?
> In a conversation I had with Tim he said that "Preparing and uploading
> kernel components is about all I've done lately. I've worked on the
> kernel daily build stuff, but its not yet completed. I've worked on
> lots of kernel bugs."

I've had the pleasure of dealing with Tim quite a bit recently. His
general technical skills are unquestionable, and his ability to
commandeer the kernel build system speaks highly of his packaging skills
as well. I will sleep very well at night knowing that Tim can upload
directly to Ubuntu. +1 from me. Yay!

Soren Hansen
Virtualisation specialist
Ubuntu Server Team
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