Core-Dev Application: Till Kamppeter

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at
Wed Apr 2 15:45:36 BST 2008

Soren Hansen wrote:
> I honestly think this is being blown out of proportion.

Hah.  I thought you'd get around to telling me that eventually.

While I don't see it as being a great problem this time around, the 
potential for next time is a lot higher, if he has Core Dev powers.  As 
indicated by the previous mails, it appears that not much has changed, 
as shown by the quote below (from a previous mail)

"this seems to still follow the logic, that
uploading known broken stuff is ok sometimes. I very much believe that 
it's a
good thing to test what's getting uploaded before an upload. Of course 
things may slip through; nobody's perfect. But uploading, which 
you are
aware of that it is completely broken is an absolutely no go for me. Please
nobody ever do this."

While MOTUs have reason to believe this is *not* a once-off, I don't 
think you can say that they are overreacting.


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